Fucking Based Thread

Fucking Based Thread

fuck all the covid passport bullshit.

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Wow those libs sure do get owned by super spreader events

lol this is hilarious! i should have guessed this would happen. humans are so predictable, but at the same time not.

The only things that they gonna spread is your mom's and sister's pussy lips.

Make sure you get your 5th booster soon.

Tommy Robinson is a Jew

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>super spreader events
Does your inner monologue consist exclusively of MK Ultra trigger words?

Sorry i don't see any poc in that pic

My what

my whole family(unvaxxed) got covid and nobody died. you must be some unhealthy piece of shit to die from this virus.

Good for them. I love normies, even if I hate them most of the time.

Yes, exactly. I super spread to kill old lib and the grandparents of libs.

It's not about owning libs its about adults deciding that being happy and socializing is more important than being marginally safer,
something that all people should be allowed to decide for themselves.
Anyone who believes the government takes away freedom "for your own safety" is retarded. They don't give a fuck about you.

Based, they will never defeat the human spirit

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these people are all vaxxed, you could be there with them if you took the vax.

They didn't get injected, they're fine as long as the medical megacorps don't sedate and execute them.

its ok no one there is going to spread the disease this is actually a BLM protest

>My what

You're a bot and your IP range should be banned.


Lol stupid conservatives we need to keep our assholes loose for fucking and they just pucker right up! Stupid fucking trumpets don’t know the joy of destroying your butthole for sheer hedonistic pleasure and then lying to the doctor about what happened before your surgery.


Remember when he took a bunch of money from British Nationalists and used it to make a documentary about some jew? Shit was hilarious.

siti ur fucking ass inside and cower in the corner, also go get pozzed by100 more cuckines (while wearing the cuck muzzle)

> Tommy Robinson
> based mossad worshiper

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