Why do leftists hate the working class so much?

Why do leftists hate the working class so much?

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Not sure that any of that is leftist thinking. Personally I think it's pretty based for a reddit thread

the working class is programmed to vote against their own interests in the name of "freedom"

What a retard
If a baseddev has to learn a new language/framework he's still in a job
If a truck driver can't drive his truck anymore because it's self driving then he's out of a job

>shut the fuck up you stupid uneducated rube, I know your interests better than you do, so you better obey me, or you're stupid!
>prove this to you? fuck you! you probably have the incorrect views on babymurder and giving kids HRT!!

being stupid sheep isnt freedom

As a programmer hes wrong. I was paid to learn new languages and their requirements are so lax I could fuck around half the day and still learn what I needed to by the deadlines easily.

And Self-Driving trucks will never be a thing. The technology is still way too far away from being road viable in large-scale. Western civilization will collapse long before that.

Scrooge LiBtard

Of course not, like with everything else you've redefined the word "freedom", so that freedom means obeying you. Or rather obeying the people you enjoy obeying, because you are just a bootlicker. Nobody is buying this anymore, you no longer appeal to the working class because all you care about is idpol bullshit, obeying the goverment, and advancing neoliberalism.

being a man means you obey, otherwise stay home and be a child

You're not really a Croat if you read that

Seems to be some psychological defense mechanism. On some level they know that they are glorified parasites and they have to cope with it, so they convince themselves that they are totally superior and rebrand the working class as retarded losers.
I'm pretty sure you're genetically hardwired to recognize it, too. Fixing something with your hands will always leave you with a strong sense of satisfaction afterwards. You can look at the finished product, you know it was created by your own work, and it makes you happy.
Meanwhile, filling out some spreadsheet and sending it elsewhere does not give you the same satisfaction. You do not see any product, you now that you are just some cog in a machine and contribute a minuscule amount to it. You might feel relieve that it's finally off your table, but you don't feel any satisfaction.

And since most people lack the capacity for self-reflection they are simply not able to find out what makes them unhappy, and they are trying to cope with it by lashing out against those around them.

Blue collar workers need to stop serving these fuck heads (or charge them triple). Starve the cities out.

why dont you use self reflection to see everyone isnt like you or thinks like or has the same hobbies as you

I 100% guarantee you that is written by some cockwhore cunt "graphic designer" or HR staffer.

Only a fucking women or a complete ladida faggot can write that shit there, whom has zero respect for blue-collar professions.

>obey your government and stay home
>otherwise stay home and be a child
Weak Kafka trap bro

Leftists think THEY are the working class, not some smelly truckers.

your govt is telling you, that youre all children kek

>being a man means you obey
Who are you obeying then? Who is at the top of the chain of command?
In reality, you are just some sad loser who needs other people to take charge of his life and tell him what to do because otherwise you'd be left in a basically vegetative state.

A man chooses, a slave obeys.

Who do YOU obey?

I don't, get why the, commas aren't more indicative, of an infantilized, state. Next.

>holding back progress just so they can enrich themselves longer

american redneck and republican way of life lmao

Programming work is life on ez mode.
Unless you're stupid enough to sign up for a dev ops role, you can lazily bash out code for 2 hours and call it a day, every day, while earning 5x the average salary. Just about the only real challenge in most of these jobs is enduring the occasional boring, pointless meeting. That reddit poster is a gigantic faggot

whoever is paying you to obey
youre either a slave to money or to the dole, either way its slavery

>Why do leftists hate working
because they hate leaving mommys house

Because they're actually bourgeoisie larping as proletariat.

Because the vast majority of them are children of privilege. They despise working class sensibilities, and they use the rough around the edges working man as a avatar that contains all the guilt of their own ancestors. Jim Goads Redneck Manifesto does a good job of explaining these types of people and why they do what they do.

I genuinely cant wait for the day they automate all white collar jobs.

Reality is the exact opposite. No one whinges more than white collar workers.

Ask them about outsourcing, offshoring, and H1Bs.

You didn't answer my question at all. Who is at the top of your chain of command?

This, lol. Short and sweet but accurate

They're classist faggots.

nice try fed

Stop feeding the schizo

Because the left thinks “workers” and the “working class” are two different things

Most "working class" jobs don't have nearly the same benefits as white collar ones. And one ofnthe benefits is free training or courses.

I'm a working class blue collar guy, and for the first half of my career I had to pay out of pocket for additional training. Plus learning a whole new skill in general to become marketable doesn't just come from taking a course or learning some new code, it takes time and physical effort.

this reads kinda based desu.
but the left also in some elitist student circles with rich parents and a ever-going drive for breaking out of the social norm they are born into, voices disappointment in the working class for not striving to become better people constantly. What they, in this disappointment don't see is that they are stupid, rich wannabe-leftist that embrace every part of capitalism and only abide to socialist wordings whenever they feel like it to have a feeling of enlightenment and wisdom at hand. The working class has often no such desire to better itself because work is fucking exhausting, payment is shit because corporational greed is huge. Sure you can become a good left man or woman striving for ongoing progress in education and such when your parents sponsor your wanna-be leftist ass untill you're 35.

I'm a lefty myself but I fucking hate 95% of leftist people around me because their hands ache whenever they have to move 5kgs of something for 1meter. These entitled pricks preach leftist views from top to folks they should be in solidarity with. Thats also why right wing shit is on the rise – the left absolutely forgot why they fight alongside proles.

And skills? I deal with fucking rooters all day, who won't learn Javascript, Angular, new frameworks, won't even learn how HTTPS works or how modern browsers have changed since the HTTP days. Most my colleagues are LARPing at being computer people.

Its the newer generation. They grew up being told they are the shit, medals for losing. Now they are older and think they can talk shit on working people while they live at home with their parents in their 20's. Same with these kids who pretend communism is the greatest thing ever. They are under some delusion in their dystopian future they are going to be some sort of leading role in the commune.....for reasons.....?

>New generation thinks they are above working class jobs with absolutely nothing to back up why they think that.

lol reddit is full of faggots saying they are socialist but once it comes to actualy surpporting workingclass people they give you the middlefinger.

Bro, I'm in Ops and automated all my work. I only work when I want to extend functionality or when we have an outage. I had 2 ~2h outages in the past 2years. Both during office hours. It ain't even that hard to do what I do. Read about 10 books and don't be retarded and you too can do jack shit all day, but still get paid

Seems reasonable. Unfortunate, as we don't need automation anymore since labour sourcing is no longer a problem (just the jews trying to maximise profit of a select few) but what that redditor said is reasonable and understandable. The problem is that theres already like 10% of people that theres no proper work their capable of.


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It's true that white collar work is better paid, but that doesn't make it more valuable and all blue collar workers worthless.
Members of the EU parliament probably receive twice my wage after they are done collecting all the extra benefits, and yet you have these creatures sitting there:

You act as though you aren’t free.

yeah and it's also a lie that you have to constantly update your skills to the latest. Most companies can't afford/don't have resources to do that and have inhouse software that's 10-15 years old. If you don't have the latest skills for a job you apply for, usually as long as you can convince them you are not a complete retard and can learn quickly they'll settle for that and teach you on the job. As long as sales have pain free experiences, you are golden. It's hard to believe how little work I've done in my career and how much more money I'm on than everyone I know

yes jesus shall set you free, with the sweet release of death... then you can be buddies in the cemetery

I'm the one filling excel files and can confirm he's 100% correct.

Just because you hide the name doesn't mean the account can't be found.