Trump has done 'astronomical damage to America as a functioning country'

The veteran reporter and bestselling author Johnathan Karl on why Donald Trump's election lies matter.
"Frankly Trump is undeniably out of line, more than any of us I think actually appreciate currently. In the short term his lies have been a a disaster but in the long term the damage he has done is astronomical. And yet, not one of his most powerful apologists, not his most stalwart advocates are calling on him to apologize. His supporters can't seem to understand what is the problem. That a few hundred lies, and he has a few hundred thousand of them, that he has broken the world record for lies made in office. I think by 2024 unless the Republican party changes its policies, unless it starts to become a party which does not support the lying on a regular basis, it will be finished. It will be a fringe party."

Skip to around 30minutes in for the main part. What do you think? Is he right?

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They are going to be surprised next election. All politicians lie, these fucks think we don't know this.

That guy is a known homosexual


You can try to gaslight us as much as you like, but it's not going to work; we all saw the videos of the niggers pulling the cases of ballots from under the tables late at night after sending all of the observers home.

Fake news

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rent free

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>2000 election: Dems cry about voter suppression, only want heavily Dem counties recounted, bitch about SCOTUS decision, and call Bush an illegitimate President.
>2016 election: Dems claim Trump colluded with Russia (proven false after yearlong investigation), try to intimidate electors into not voting Trump, call Trump an illegitimate President
>2018 election: Stacy Abrams loses GA governor races and then says the election was stolen from her
>2020 election: Trump says election was stolen, Dems and media go into full panic mode as if this is the first time this has ever happened

i know that not even you glowniggers/shills are believing your own lies and people out there especially are not believing it.

No, he is not right. He is done irreparable damage to the globalist agenda in the United States, however. He ran on pure ego, but accidentally awoken something that has been festering and slumbering for years.

Prepare to die.

(((bestselling author)))

Veteran of what? Being a faggot?

When do journalists start getting hunted in the street?

California: Trump wins 115% of his demographic in mail in ballots
Iowa: Trump wins 115% of his demographic in mail in ballots
Oklahoma: Trump wins 115% of his demographic in mail in ballots
Ohio: Trump wins 115% of his demographic in mail in ballots
40 other states: Trump wins 115% of his demographic in mail in ballots

>Only in Michigan and Pennsylvania which went full retard on election night and Biden needed every vote to win: Trump loses 100% OF INDEPENDENTS COMBINED WITH 20% OF HIS FUCKING BASE

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Jon Karl was one of the "reporters" having dinners at John podesta's house to gain access to Hillary Clinton campaign as an "Ally". Karl was probably raping kids like Podesta.

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>no one believes our lies anymore and now we are in trouble for it, thanks drumpf
Get fucked

Eat shit demon jew

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I challenge this "journalist" to a duel.

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Because the system Trump did astronomical damage to is the globohomo pedo elite system. What makes the guy in OPs pic? He needs to metaphorically fall into a wood chipper

Caught red handed

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