Why is pol against work?

Why is pol against work?

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We're not.
Jew are.

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only jews have someone manage their money?

you sound like an american mutt

>against work?
Wageslaving? Yes. Self-employment? No.

There is nothing wrong with contributing to society, and anyone who says otherwise is a shill.

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If you disagree with society, you should be entitled to not have to work in it.

I'm just against service economy.

Work should be for the common good, ie advancing racial interests for your community, not something that you're forced to do or else you starve.

>The thing is though, the Qings are telling you outright of their plans.
Let me rephrase my post to more accurately reflect my opinion on the matter.

>There is nothing wrong with contributing to a GOOD society, and anyone who says otherwise is a shill.

The current system is not working so well desu.

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>>The thing is though, the Qings are telling you outright of their plans.
I don't know why that text was inserted there. I meant to quote:
>If you disagree with society, you should be entitled to not have to work in it.

>There is nothing wrong with contributing to society,
Society is filled with niggers and the whites are not much better
I have no control of how my contributions are used and my "political representation" acts completely contrary to my interests
every dollar i make is taxed multiple times then when they give it to niggers that dont work they tax it again

Also my roads are shit tier, i get nothing and im not happy

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I work 8 hour shifts daily at min wage, the hell are you smoking?

Because working more doesn't produce wealth anymore unless you take on more and more risk. In a sane world all one needs to do is produce more goods/services than they consume to have wealth; in clown world wealth can be created while producing nothing, so you have to produce more goods/services faster than the wealth being created out of nothing, and you can only do that by borrowing this fake wealth to produce or by consuming less and less

ironically gommunism is anti-work. If everyone gets the same, there's no point to work hard.

>get under paid and under appreciated at job
>management and above just see employees as a number
>"everyone is replaceable"
>businesses have no standards, will let customers abuse their employees and do nothing
>constantly cutting costs so exec can make even more money while the little guy suffers

It's not work, it's employers. For 20 years all I've been told is "you should feel lucky to have a job!" I'm fucking sick of it. I've worked countless jobs where I busted my ass and employers didn't give a fuck. We have all been meme'd into believing hard work pays off, but that's only true when you are following your own ventures. Working hard and busting ass doesn't get you anywhere when you're an employee.

It's also fucking boomers. They are so fucking entitled and have no semblance of what working conditions should be. It's not the fucking 80s anymore. People have changed, practices have changed, and expenses have changed. But these niggers will do everything they can to throw as little scraps as possible to employees. I'm tired of being told I should be lucky to make shekelberg money and how ungrateful I am for complaining about being treated like shit and being vastly underpaid. Times have changed.

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Just realized I posted a halo meme and not this. Whatever

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A better question is: Why is pol FOR allowing those who refuse to produce food to steal the labor of those who do produce food?

why are (((people))) offended if i'd rather starve to death

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boomers are as bad as jews at this point. boomers never once helped me or were kind or stood up for my interests as elders of the tribe are supposed to. but they want respect for elders?!?! tough love, bitch

because they want to make money off you. if you stop working others might follow. then society could fall apart. Caucasian males are the only net tax payer

What part of
>Arbeit macht frei
Says ‘anti-work’ to you?

i stopped putting forward my loosh to try and stave off the ill will of people who never loved me to begin with and it didn't take long for the entire world to begin falling apart in earnest

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