WARNING TRUCKERS, you are now on a list


First post on Any Forums, have been lurking here for at least a decade...its an addition, I know but at least I acknowledge it and try and balance it out with positive things throughout my life to counter this terrible karma I'm accruing while here.

Obviously I'm a Canadian here (yeah yea, leaf this, rake that, blah blah blah) and I just got off the phone from a buddy of mine who lives in Ottawa and just lost his job because someone snapped a shot of him driving around the protests this weekend. Buddy was on mushrooms and is an out of towner local yokel who was just fascinated by the big city slings and the whole movement. And for some reason, some retard took a picture of his truck and somehow that picture got to his boss and now he's been fired for it.

I feel sorry for him but I mostly feel sorry for the people participating in this fucked up site and how incredibly "NAZI-esque" it is.

Anyways, thats my vent. This is the website. Any Forums, help a nigga out.


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Other urls found in this thread:


Fucking lol.
>burning down cities and doxxing people is the language of the oppressed!
Also leftists:
>Honking horns at a protest is literally terrorism and treason!

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The holocaust didnt happen and even if it had none of the shitskins you geniuses have flooded the west with give a flip about it.

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So this is canada's Jan 6 huh

Nothing more than to use harsh language like "Convoy Traitors" with people that have nothing to lose. Incredible

Post flag or gtfo

What the fuck. Who the fuck is behind that site? Is that shit legal? It would be awesome if that site was hit by a ddos attack or if the owners of it were named.

>First post on Any Forums, have been lurking here for at least a decade
Why bother giving fake credentials when you stand out like a sore dick at a finger show?

Her instagram is even more shocking, to be completely honest.

I know we're all going through a "fredom fighter" stage in our lives right now but holy fuck she took the NAZI pill right quick...its shamful, really

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Domain's registered to namecheap, just submit tickets reporting them for DOXing.

You mong, learn to read I said Im a fuckin leaf

Ticket report form:

Public hanging bro

report them to namecheap

Whoever made this website is going to die a very very painful death...


all info about owners redacted, any know how to dig deeper?

Thanks brotha, I submitted a report.

Hopefully they reply with something like, "Oh ok we'll get to the bottom of this" instead of some liberal bullshit artist replay like, "I MEAN< they have a right to protesst sooo..."

Lets see where this goes

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This is their email, bros. Please do not clog it up with spam.

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Fake, gay, and your going to get raped to death

lefties are such cunucked faggots . ah my winter vagina ears are hurting froms the hornses, honk honk honk honk

Always accuse your enemy of what you are doing.

I'm glad you cunts are doing this. Every single thing you cunts do will push people into our waiting arms. You are clearing out the centre. There is no way back for you.

Are peoples ID protected when they own a domain? If not there will be a trail ie; business name

Ok so you're not a leaf

I dont quite want to DOX the DOXXER but her instagram page has enough hateful rhetoric to get taken down asap...

The absoluet WORST is shes a
"PhD Candidate Cultural Mediations"

I have no clue what the fack that even means but I'm positive she's going to be a massive strain on our government when shes out of a job in several years time and shes selling fucking oyster pearls on facebook live

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When everyone is on a list, no one is on a list.

You sound like a fucking retard

Put it this way, I've done much more pirate-y and illegal shit than I'v done "Canadian" shit...

I dont need a flag to identify my personality, what am I a fackin queear?


that's bullshit, but your type sounds like a niggers so it's believable.

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