But i was told this is bad

but i was told this is bad

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Other urls found in this thread:


>homogenous society

how many niggers were you told lived in norway?

>unfettered capitalism

>thousands of regulations and 40 different regulatory bodies to answer too while they funnel money to their cronies
>tons of social welfare programs

OP is fag

Ethnic makeup?

how many regulatory bodies and social welfare programs are in norway

about the same amount, but with less niggers

maybe crime rates have more to do with living in cruel unforgiving poverty neighborhoods that are impossible to escape unless you make it through crime

like 2 and they're ran by white people and serve a nearly homogenous society

niggers and jews ruin everything. jews in Norway are probably already trying to import thousands of shitskins

Norway has a population of 4 million. That is comparable to a state like Alabama.
Norway also doesn’t have a lot of niggers.

Norway is not demsoc. That's even dumber than calling the US unfettered capitalist.

Norway is a capitalist country with extremely strong unions and a sovereign wealth fund propped up by the most oil money per capita in the world.


oh ok, thanks for clearing that up. so can we implement these policies or


we cant have free college, universal healthcare, or a livable minimum wage to raise the working class out of poverty because black people make you uncomfortable.

niggers and spics. how hard is this to understand.

"Perhaps a better name for what the Nordic countries practice would be compassionate capitalism."

so free college, universal healthcare, and a livable minimum wage arent socialism, got it.

>niggers and jews ruin everything. jews in Norway are probably already trying to import thousands of shitskins
kek, anyone got that pic of the news article that shown a gigajew getting into office and then mere days later jew was saying norway should be doing more for refugees?
>absolute pottery


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Fun fact: Denmark (which is likely very similar to Norway in some regards) actually taxes the POOR at a HIGHER rate than the rich, has no minimum wage, has very few government owned industries.
Also, Norway has LOTS of oil access.

norway doesn't have a minimum wage
and they only have free college because they make kids choose at like age 12 whether they want to go down the university route or the trades route.

it's only designed for like 30% of Norwegians to actually go to four year college. for context, the US is sending nearly 50% of zoomers to college.

America has more oil access, we just privatize it all and we let them sell it back to us after our tax dollars extract it

we do not have anywhere near the amount of oil per capita that norway has