Hypergamy is a Hoax

There is no hypergamy, this is a lie made to divide women and men. The truth is humans are naturally monogamous creatures. Women want to find a male partner and settle down with him. Even if we allow women to earn money like men, to go to college, and give them the option of sexual freedom, they will naturally gravitate towards monogamy because it's human nature. Girls like guys and want to be in exclusive relationships.

Source: The Naked Ape by Desmond Moores

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Beta cope

I am a beta male but have a girlfriend who lost her virginity to me and we are talking about marriage. The fact that I'm a beta and could do this is more proof of my point.

I have no idea why anyone thinks that normalized hypergamy would make the society happier. The more hypergamous, the more miserable everyone is.

I don't think that's the question.

We're not arguing whether hypergamy is good or bad, but whether it's even a thing in humans, at least not without extreme external or societial pressures.

Hypergamy is bad, so lets all take relish in the fact that it's largely a myth in the West. We are still very monogamous.

book written by kike

The book literally promotes monogamy as humans natural state.

that's the only way it works. and is the entire crux of the 10k conversation.
welcome newfriend

a half hour alone with her and I could convince her to foster doubt. and that would be enough.
though I'd never do that user. not to you

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So your strategy is for men to compete for 2% of the female population for an 80% chance their life doesn't get ruined?

What do you mean?

So being a beta now gets you a virgin girlfriend? So then what's the issue?

What would you say?

Well i think men should really not give a shit if their girl is a virgin, and just go for a girl who wants to settle down and love someone regardless of her past.

>Even if we allow women to earn money like men, to go to college, and give them the option of sexual freedom, they will naturally gravitate towards monogamy because it's human nature. Girls like guys and want to be in exclusive relationships.
You clearly do not understand what hypergamy even is.

Hunter gatherers are monogamous. Hypergamy exist because we didn't evolved to live in large groups.
Too many choices of mates = fuck over our brain

>Well i think men should really not give a shit if their girl is a virgin, and just go for a girl who wants to settle down and love someone regardless of her past.
And I'd rather not give a shit about her at all and just use her for cooms and making babbys, but it ain't that simple, innit?

God doesn't let me have sex, I'm a 30 year old incelibate Jew. Praise the Lord.

>Women want to find a male partner and settle down with him.

Their behavior says otherwise.

>talks about made up lies to divide men and women
>still uses alpha/beta nonsense

Yes I do you utter moron, you're a wannabe smartass trying to pretend like you're above the conversation. Hypergamy states that women will take turns with the hottest guys and let themselves be used and thrown away.

You won't be satisfied doing that nor do you want to do it. Human beings want to pairbond, it's a natural need and if you're sharing a bed with her and with her enough you'll naturally bond.

>You won't be satisfied doing that nor do you want to do it.
I'll never be satisfied. I'm a redbulled man living in the 21st century.
>Human beings want to pairbond, it's a natural need
Yes, I've felt that need. Lost it over time. Now I just try to make future plans on having children with minimal time and money investments. I'd take surrogacy if IVF wasn't such a fuck up.
>if you're sharing a bed with her
I don't sleep at night. Wouldn't want to share a bed with anyone, sounds clumsy.

You're the same guy who posted the mass immigration bait earlier today. Top tier
However on the question, women are attracted to men they are attracted to, regardless of their intent. Pic related
Because there is a huge differential between the male and female sex drive, women have an advantage over men in the market. They choose when sex happens and with whom, and as a result women set the standards for men who are competing for them
In a certain sense "hypergamy" is false because its not some uniquely female trait, men do the exact same thing when they have the power to do so (look at Leonardo DiCaprio)
It just so happens that in the current environment women have all the power and men have none, resulting in inceldom for a significant chunk of men

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You're a very mentally unhealthy individual, you're the equivalent of a girl with daddy issues.

You should want to pairbond with someone and build a connection, if you don't it's likely you were hurt or suffering some kind of trauma.

>Because there is a huge differential between the male and female sex drive, women have an advantage over men in the market. They choose when sex happens and with whom, and as a result women set the standards for men who are competing for them

Agreed, so women get the pick of the crop.

however... when they do pick, they want to settle down, they want loyalty. This is an evolutionary strategy that we've seen in lots of species. Dawkins wrote about this in "The Selfish Gene". Coyote females will tease the males with sex but won't give it to them until they can assure commitment.

Women won't just let themselves be fucked around, at least not normal mentally healthy women, they still want to be in a relationship, and because of this the top Stacies will end up settling with top Chads and so on so forth.... everyone will get their "looksmatch" once all is said and done.

don't care what it promotes. written by kike. its poisonous

I don't even think Desmond Moore was a Jew.


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>Naturally monogamous

No they're not

>You're a very mentally unhealthy individual, you're the equivalent of a girl with daddy issues.
I'm just not sure why should I be infatuated with womyn. I don't hate them but I surely don't love them. They are like men but worse in every way (hence, wo(rse)man). I like screwing around with my buddies, I only like women when pp gets hard. Took me a while to figure this out because I always thought I wanted a girlfriend, but shunned them in public even if they made the first move. Then I realized I got memed into wanting to date and that's just a retarded modern conception. All man needs is coom and babbys to further his line.
>You should want to pairbond with someone and build a connection

Part of the issue is that men and women work differently.

Men have a base setting and any women who fit into that are attractive. Men could find all women attractive if they fit into that range.

Attraction for women is however relative. If tomorrow every man became a 10/10 charismatic, intelligent chad after a few years they would only find the top 20% of those men attractive based on them having things the other 80% don't have. Landwhales would be ignoring super-models because they are below average relative to the best men and desirable women get the best men.

There is really no winning trying to please women as a whole because they are biologically designed to always want the best regardless of the average.

>Women won't just let themselves be fucked around, at least not normal mentally healthy women, they still want to be in a relationship, and because of this the top Stacies will end up settling with top Chads and so on so forth.... everyone will get their "looksmatch" once all is said and done.
In a healthy mating environment you'd be right, and we did generally see that prior to the sexual revolution
The problems started occurring when we normalized non-marital relationships. When a man (or a woman) only has the option of a permanent commitment, he or she will be careful about their choice. When there is this amorphous blobby concept called "relationships" that could lead to marriage or could lead nowhere, you get bad actors that screw things up for the other party and end up poisoning the well for everyone else.
I saw this constantly in highschool. Boys felt pressured by the sexually saturated culture to lose their V card, and they would go out of their way to find easy targets (below what they could have pulled lookswise) as "practice girlfriends" to get these out of the way for bragging rights. The girls being used in this way rightfully felt abused and their entire view of men became soured, resulting in them behaving in a mercenary fashion to genuinely interested guys later on which causes those guys to become cynical and embittered towards women. While this is going on, the large minority (or if recent studies are to be believed, the majority) of young men who can't attract girls in highschool become deeply resentful of the people participating in the dating culture that they were lead to believe was the expectation for all young people who were considered normal.
Its a very ugly situation all around and I think its unfair to blame one sex in particular, but just like with regulating finance you have to put controls on greedy peoples' behaviors so the rest of the moral majority doesn't suffer

Because as the book says.... it's innate to human nature to desire and seek out a member of the opposite sex and pairbond with them. You should be driven to "find love" as cringy as that sounds because it's what you as a human are evolutionarily wired to do.

>I like screwing around with my buddies, I only like women when pp gets hard. Took me a while to figure this out because I always thought I wanted a girlfriend, but shunned them in public even if they made the first move. Then I realized I got memed into wanting to date and that's just a retarded modern conception. All man needs is coom and babbys to further his line.

No... Dating in the sense of exclusive bonding with them is a concept as old as humans sprung out of the plains of Africa. What really happened is you tried to date, felt undesirable and vulnerable, and now cast it away. It's trauma, it's the same as a girl not committing to guys and being a slut because her dad left her family when she was young. It's not mentally healthy and you should really work on getting over it.

>Just settle for a used up slut bro

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>You should be driven to "find love" as cringy as that sounds because it's what you as a human are evolutionarily wired to do.

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>Because as the book says.... it's innate to human nature to desire and seek out a member of the opposite sex and pairbond with them. You should be driven to "find love" as cringy as that sounds because it's what you as a human are evolutionarily wired to do.
Idk... maybe I still have it somewhere, but I'd say I have more interest in the idea of having (a) concubine(s) who don't bother me too much. Modern love seems imposed on the actually simple biological reality.

>What really happened is you tried to date, felt undesirable and vulnerable, and now cast it away.
Nah, I just realized I cannot coom because I don't have my own place, so a gf would be a waste of time. Anytime I tried with tinder or approaching random women, I'd forget about it as soon as I fapped. Meme related. I would want a relationship if I considered women to be interesting, but everything I've ever learned about them makes me think otherwise. Their minds are completely different to our own, and I cannot even find much common ground with the average man. Takes a special kind of based to get my attention, but women don't even register on that radar.

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