Is this a sign Jesus is anti vaxx?

A comedian tells a joke about Jesus loving her most because she's super vaccinated. Then collapses.

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Today God smited a heathen in front of a sold out crowd for blasphemy.
It was a good day.

No bitch, Jesus don't love you most. Enjoy the ICU.

Isn't Chelsea Handler currently also in the hospital? What in the hell is going on?

>look for video
>she's doing masonic 1 eye cover

god damnit.

Wait.. how the fuck is bragging about how many vaccines you've had a fucking joke? Hope she dies.

Vaccine side effects. But don’t worry, I hear they’re rare.

Instantly became the funniest woman...

turns out woman can be funny

*Should have been Double Boosted.....Shes just another Anti-Vaxxer in my book*

*Bloody Anit-Vaxxers filling up the damn Hospital Beds aaaarrrrhhhhhh!!!*

Well atleast we can add her too the Death (Lists)

*2021 Death (List)*

*2022 Death (List)*

[Its just a (List) of People that may have "Allegedly" had adverse reactions with a Covid-19 vaccine]

Attached: VI-Death (List) Vi.jpg (436x266, 20.42K)

women are never funny
accidents are

God doesn’t take blasphemy well.

thats not a masonic thing thats how mentally handicapped people hide their asymetry

Totally Rare... I've collected a few "Rare" cases


- Adyn Callaghan, 17, New Zealand Teen has been diagnosed with a "Rare" Blood Cancer 48 hours after his 1st Pfizer vaccine
(September 20th, 2022, Survived, Vaccine Status 1st Pfizer shot received September 18th, 2021)

- Adam Bounds, 41, UK Man Hospitalized 11 days after receiving his 1st AstraZeneca vaccine has died from a "Rare" Brain Haemorrhage
(May 31st, 2021, Deceased, Vaccine Status 1st AstraZeneca shot received May 20th, 2021 *Note Time frame*)
Adam Bounds former Axminster resident's tragic death has been put down to a severe and "Rare" reaction to the Covid-19 vaccine.

- Rory James Nairn, 26, New Zealand Plumber develops "Very Rare" Myocarditis and has died 12 days after his 1st Pfizer vaccine
(November 17th, 2021, Deceased, Vaccine Status 1st Pfizer shot received November 5th, 2021)
Ashley Wilson Partner to Roy, "started feeling Heart Flutters" a few hours after his 1st Pfizer vaccine.
"The Board has recommended actions to be taken by the Covid-19 Vaccine and Immunization Program to continue to highlight
Myocarditis as a "Very Rare" side effect of the Pfizer vaccine" A Pfizer Spokesperson said they where aware of the Reported death.

Source is in the Death (Lists)

*2021 Death (List)*

*2022 Death (List)*

Thats literally the best stand up act of all pandemic. Prove me wrong.

>A comedian tells a joke about Jesus loving her most because she's super vaccinated. Then collapses.
It is a sign, my child.

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Kek, don't mix Jesus and corporate vax in his name. Dumb bitch
>enjoy the ICU

Everyone vaxxed will be dead soon

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The lord does work in mysterious ways.

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if you dont think this is a publicity stunt, youre a fucking retard

Just so i can understand, are you vaxxed?

Based Jesus

Jesus is a funny bastard, that was comedy gold.

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Where's the webm?

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Comedy Ludo

No, it's a sign that God will not be mocked.

jew worshiping faggots are absolute retards