You won, but at what cost, Any Forums?

You won, but at what cost, Any Forums?

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no one cares about faggots
we live in a judaic intersectionalist anarchotyranny

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Next is trannies. It's already happening and in the next 4-5 years you will be thrown out of the GOP for misgendering someone.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

What? How is this even possible?

republicans like how it is today.
democrats think it's bigoted that you don't have free condoms and aids treatment for faggots lmao
I don't understand how the US is still a country



I don't mind gay marriage. Let em get married. Does nothing for or against me or anyone
What I am upset about is gay divorce. They never had to get married as a serious life decision. It's just going steady now.
We need to ban gay divorce....and regular divorce. Except for cases of abuse/violence. Real abuse and violence...not yelling and a little slapping around. That and infidelity. Those should be the ONLY reasons divorce should be granted. For anyone.

Republicans are worse than Democrats even though both deserve the oven


I think it's the opposite. Republicans seem more discontented while Democrats work more toward maintaining the status quo, it's just that the grievance industry they built is now the status quo. That's how they keep churning out voters. I'm just nonplussed at how the Democrats could have less gay support than the Republicans. My only theory is niggers.

All Degenerates get the rope

Niggers are self hating faggots and they drag the democrat numbers down


Nobody can beat the cock.

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Republicans virtue signal that they accept it to seem modern and stop getting called slurs like 'bigot' but I suspect acceptance is declining despite so many claiming to support it.

its not.

First will always come asking for tolerance, then it will be acceptance, then it will become participation and normalization. In the end you lost your soul. Such is always the way with evil. Enjoy the new Sodom it will burn just like the last one.

It’s been true for over a hundred years and it will always be true.

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Not a surprise more republicans think that society has done enough to make fags comfortable. I’m surprised more democrats think that. Do people here think this is blanket acceptance? Here is approval of gay marriage

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everyone who says they "accept gays" avoid them like the plague. Everyone hates faggots... they are annoying and disgusting.