How do you go from an empire stretching across the globe

Do a complete and utter cultural, economic, and political backwater in half a century? What does Britain produce besides Thomas The Tank Engine and Altoids: The Curiously Strong Mint..?

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Old man, take a look at my life
I'm a lot like you

How the fuck is the UK a "backwater"? it's one of the richest countries on earth. You faggots will just say anything for (you)'s and attention

Having a bunch of decrepit geriatrics holed up in a castle with bars of generational gold from the glory days doesn’t make it any less of a backwater.

You're actually retarded and everyone here can see that you have no idea what you're talking about

ww2 debts broke us.
had to import lots of cheap labour from former colonies.
the end

Retards thinking it was an organic collapse, the empire had served its purpose to (((their))) plan and was therefore dissolved.

mutt projecting as usual

Attached: mutts btfo.jpg (2356x3060, 2.54M)

Do they literally not teach history anymore how the fuck do you not know the answer

>Intellectual centre of the world moves from London to USA after WW1
>USA fucks us in the ass after WW2 to ensure their global hegemony
>Go around london
>Full of immigrants, unclean streets, ugly architecture
>Just like...any major US city
>UK (and Europe) has been effectively occupied by USA since 1945
>Its still sort of the British empire - since this american empire was founded by wasps and anglocised Jews

Now let’s zoom in and see the people :)

>had to import lots of cheap labour from former colonies
no we didn't HAVE to

Abandoned mercantilism for capitalism

Firstly, the UK is the economic centre of Europe and is one of the most politically relevant countries in the world.

The reason Britain lost her empire is the two world wars.

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>Economic centre of Europe
30 years ago maybe lmao


I like to think of it as how robust white european genetics really are. I mean look at the past 2 centuries. You can force us through:
The two largest and deadliest wars in history
Communism (for the russians)
A cold war
Enforced mass migration and replacement of the populace in major cities
200 years of dysgenic selection
Wealth redistribution to garbage people through welfare states and unfair courts

And after all that we're still around and kicking with some of the most important countries and industries under our belt. I'm not saying the situation is rosey. But, by God, don't you have to do a lot to make a dent on white people.

Attached: edinburgh-st-stephens-church.jpg (639x900, 180.23K)

The City of London is still a major financial jew hive.

To add to the list:
Breakup of nuclear family via indoctrination
Insidious world banking system that extracts wealth from working populace
Massive taxation

I mean put any other country through one of the things white western nations have been through and they just impode.

>Now let’s zoom in and see the people :)

Attached: edinburgh_people.png (881x669, 974.12K)

When did they start?
I'm 31
My history class for the entirety of k-12 was the revolutionary war, the underground railroad, and a bit of the Civil War. Then the school year ended and we started all over again from the beginning next year.
Everything I know about history I learned on my own.

When I got to college I had a Jewish history professor who taught us about WWII, meaning he had us read a lot of holocaust survivor stories.

Well, there will undoubtedly be far a greater number of niggers, spics, mystery meat and morbidly obese boomers within the US images.

That is Ebinburgh

Yeah can completely relate to the hearing our new origin story being talked about ever other day but the history of the last hundred years pretty clearly outlines Britain's decline as empire, no?
What else is there to discuss, London is a nationless globohomo capital just like nyc

I say fondly, not only as an observation of fact.

Don't know, don't care because like most english people at any time in history I don't care about the Empire. Hopefully we will be able to off load Scotland and Ireland in the near future.

yes, and so is this