Any Forums Is Now Exclusively A Milk Drinkers' Board

Non-white lactose intolerants get out.
East Asians?
>Wah wah milk makes my tummy hurt and I fart, I need Lactaid and almond milk

Meanwhile, we who are genetically touched as the master races will drink milk from a variety of non-human animals after weaning from our mothers so we will become the sons of all nature.
But we haven't gone far enough.
Drinking goat milk, sheep's milk.

We need to drink horse milk to run as fast as the winds of the Steppe.
Wolf's milk to raise our sense of pack brotherhood.
Lion's milk to make us kings.
There are so many mammals. Imagine how much power we could accrue that non-whites don't have the stomach for.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I drank milk from a dog before, tastes like human milk

Heat pasteurized milk is harmless, if far less nutritious.
Homogenized milk gives you cancer and fucks your prostate however.
Carrageenan especially, which is most milk homogenizers. Proven carcinogen and prostate fucker.

In Norway there is saying that Icelandic people became strong and tall by drinking raw blue whale milk

don't drink milk,
but kefir every morning is amazing

You'd have to be strong as fuck to drink it, like drinking blended raw fish.

It is an old norwegian saying
>Blue whale mothers can produce 200 litres of milk per day with a fat content of 35-50%. That enables a blue whale calf to gain weight at the incredible rate of 100kg per day!
Just like icelandic haha

I just don't like the taste desu

the oldest european genome (proto european) comes from a mutation in one of the suspected progenitors of the indoeuropeans that allowed them to drink milk

And then you piss on a shark, put it in a hole and come by to eat it later

Yes Icelandics are crazy. Some say incest norwegians, retard power

What about the fungus tho? Mold loves cheese, doesn't it? The fungus is the parasite, the wormpill. How can we make sense of all of this?

I'm a mutt and can drink milk with zero issue am i honorary aryan?

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>Non-white lactose intolerants get out.
>East Asians?
>>Wah wah milk makes my tummy hurt and I fart, I need Lactaid and almond milk

Raw milk has lactase which means lactose intolerant fags can drink it.

What’s funny to me is all these hipster douches do water or dry or juice fasts not even realizing that the Mayo Clinic in the early part of the 20th century was curing every disease under the sun putting people on raw milk fasts. Which are also very very easy to do... considering you can literally live your who life drinking raw milk and nothing else, and not only would you survive but thrive.

If you are drinking milk and milk products without checking the ingredients then you are destroying your body.
Seed oils, carcinogens and petrol.
Carrageenan is carcinogenic if the molecules are too small. Do you know how they make sure the molecules aren't too small?
They take an average 'weight' that is about 3 times higher than the point where they become carcinogenic.
But carrageenan molecules can be infinite weight. So you could have 30% of your carrageenan be carcinogenic and damaging to all organs and it would be passed as being fine.

Irish genes in there fren.

Quintessentially Brazilian post


Where is Tom Green while Leafland drinks from the teet?

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Yeah, between the food made in the past to people still drinking milk from cows, tells me there's nothing wrong with what we're doing today.


I could see an argument for Lactaid in that it has a longer 'use by' date. Otherwise, yeah, milk and dairy in general is delicious.