How was the morning of 9/11?

How was the morning of 9/11?

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Pretty nice until the Jews fucked it iup.

Sunny. Mid 70s. At least here anyways.

See for yourself

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calm, nice weather. Perfect late summer type of day. No one gave a shit
>hurr durry bad accident
until the 2nd plane hit, then it got real.

Do you guys really believing literally everything bad in the world was caused by Jews or is it just a meme?

I really can't tell. Your hatred of the guys is getting comical. Your lack of necessary evidence moreso.

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I didn't know it happened till 2007

Thrilling. My dad picked me up from school at lunch time and I went home and played TFC

I had dropped acid the night before and had a bad trip. No joke. I thought I was going to die that morning. Got a call from a Zionist friend in the morning who literally gloated about it. Told me to turn on the TV. It didn't occur to me then but I know now that the little goblin was happy.

I used it as an excuse to take the day off work

Woah! Nice find!

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I couldn't watch my cartoons. I was pissed

I was in school. We watched the events on one of those CRT tvs that were diagonally in the corner of the room on the ceiling. My 2nd grade teacher was crying. It seems like I aged quite a few years in one day and the news did NOT stop for months. I largely moved on to normal childhood things after like 3 weeks and years later I will never forget the flashbulb memory of seeing that TV screen.

>Your lack of necessary evidence moreso.
Our ancestors (European) have said the same shit about the jews for over 1000 years, they literally have been kicked out of 100+ nations for nearly identical rules

If you aren't anti-semitic it means you're too stupid to recognize patterns

>identical rules

I had a stomach bug and had to leave school. When my mom picked me up she said some planes crashed in to the WTC then when we were pulling out of the parking lot the radio said the Pentagon had been hit.

Do you really think a long history of a lack of evidence justifies your continued lack of evidence?

Racism can't be justified by "But my grandparents were racist!"

I’m the only known survivor of one of the planes that hit the Twin Towers. I can tell you it was hell on earth.

It was 2001, so life was still comfy for the time being..... Damnnn I miss the 80s and 90. Sigh.

eerily sunny

Pretty sunny actually.

Pretty sure it's a mix of both. This board isn't a singular hive mind anyway. Jews stand out the most because they are the ones on top of it all currently. If it were Finns or something that made up the


Nice. Heres Link for Something awful 9/11 thread archive

went to the ymca after school and everyone was losing their minds

Shut the fuck up, Ishmael.


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I survived one of the hijacked planes as well. I turned 360 and walked away

The beginning of the end

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Checked and yes was a beautiful morning on the east coast that day

>Do you guys really believing literally everything bad in the world was caused by Jews or is it just a meme?
its unironically nearly always the truth. If you are a newfag I can understand the distrust or the feeling of ....
>yea, they must be joking a weird way, just like with the Hitler jokes.
I had those same thoughts at first, but then you start following through on the research, you start looking into every one of the posts that claim:
>its the jews
You look into one, maybe another benign one, then another, then one more. Eventually you realized 9 out of 10 for some insane reason always leads back to the same people or the same group of kike propagandists. After a while you die a little bit inside, not because /pol was right, but because you realize nearly everything you were taught or took at face value was a lie.
You ask
>how?? How could they lie to me? How did I not see it? Why did everyone in school lie to me?
There is not going back afterwords. Once you question everything there is no going back. Don't take my word for it; this place is not a place where people tell you WHAT to believe, they tell you to believe nothing and question everything. Once you do, there is no going back, you are here forever.
My recommendation; leave and don't come back. For you own sanity. It's honestly easier that way and being that you are still asking the question you asked, it's not too late to leave.

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I was in the midwest, not a single cloud in the sky that day.

Pretty much this. I was sleeping since it was my day off and I got drunk the night before. Dad came into my room and turned the TV on. Only the first tower was hit. Mind you, my Father at the time was an airline pilot for United and had been since 1987. One the second plane hit I asked how the fuck did they get the pilots to do this? My Father immediately said those pilots are already dead.

holy shit kek

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>dancing Israelis
>Israel PM saying they knew about it and didn’t stop it
>Israel PM saying its a good thing this happened cause now goyim will die killing israel’s enemies for them
>larry silversteins entire family coincidently skipping work that day
>larry had an emergency dermatology appointments
>larry buying plane-terrorist insurance two months before it happened after buying buildings that needed to be torn down anyway which would have lost him hundreds of millions.
>uss liberty
>having explosives ready to set up a controlled demolition of the third tower on the same day
kys kike