Are you ready?

Are you ready?

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I have blankets, oil lamps, and a portable propane stove. I will survive.

I have a gun and ammo

Do military boomers understand just how much zoomers and millennials WANT shooting to start?
Most americans fucking dream of being able to get away with just shooting people they don't like.
Remember when they turned off the niggers EBT infrastructure for 24 hours? Fucking Planet of The Apes.
Most of them are obsessed with "battle royal" and post-apocalyptic games.
Zoomers would fucking Purge.

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I trust that they are prepared now that they completed this simulation. Thanks user!

The national guard?

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Was invited to participate in this exercise (water company IT) but ended up leaving because they don’t actually give a shit and pay like shit.

Many / most utilities are a fucking shooting gallery for attacks, my former employer included. It was claimed we had airgapped our SCADA systems but in reality they were on a VM running on a machine that was internet accessible. One 0-day, one phish is all it takes. Our brass refused full-blown phishing simulations after we did a shakedown run of a system and got God awful failure rates. Hell, our own supervisor built our payment systems circa 2000. Around 2005 he received a customer complaint for being a “plaintext offender” so he just swept it under the rug and never bothered hashing the motherfucking password. Once found an issue in our Outlook configuration (partly insane MS configurations) such that our laptops would spray payloads with Bearer tokens on HTTP. Explained to our sysadmin this is a bad ducking thing, got some snarky ass “Great, I don’t care!” response. Turns out our sysadmins were all homos hiring other homos. No joke.

I welcome a real attack, our systems are ducked. Someone needs to wake the complacent.

t. Actual ducking hacker in one of America’s major port cities.


Zoomers would die. Real life survival is far different than pushing w to walk forward on a keyboard.

Truth be told, there’s also little to no physical security on our facilities. Maximum time-to-tap for treated water is something like 30 minutes (quicker for many).

One dedicated attacker with an AR-15, a pair of wire cutters (chain link fence), a Haligan bar, and some gumption could likely chemically maim and kill thousands by attacking the operator room and dumping chemicals.

At some level that highlights my own years of staring into the abyss and how not-bad things are at-present. We could go sideways very fast.

Not my problem

I suspect a mere hundred motivated people could bring this country to it's knees. That's why I support a distributed infrastructure, instead of centralized.

>National Guard
>Navy Uniforms

Comrade, I need details, IP's and configs. We will do tge rest according to your wish

I work for a BIG electrical utility. We have been spending shit tons of resources converting our old school gang switches out for automated switches controlled by a central control center.
Gang switches are manually thrown by a lineman, so hes got to get instructions from a system operator, drive out and find it, and crank a bigass pipe to close or open the switch ( like if a tree falls on a line, we can isolate it. The automated ones do this almost instantly, automatically. Now, thats great for cutting down outage times sure, duh. But the problem is now someone just has to gain access to the system and they can fuck everything. Sure its on our own dedicated com lines but nodes are everywhere and our engineers are exactly who you think they are.
Weve been screaming this to all who who listen, but no one cares. Utilities make more money by getting rate increases approved by the gov, and getting them is heavily dependent on having low outage numbers, hence thats all they really care about, not russia wiping out our system cause hey that probably wont happen on their watch huh?

Beaches of normandy was literally pressing w to die.

Dunno what the fuck you are talking bout bruh.

Blame companies like this.

A "friend" of mine was hired at this company. It's supposed to be an IT networking consulting business however it's just a bunch of sales men and scammers outsourcing work to india.

I applied in 2006 and was immediately rejected. My interviewer was this swag dressed nig who I had a feeling didn't know shit about computer programming or network infrastructure. He wasn't looking for IT professionals but instead people of a mind to sell or make deals with basic knowledge of computer networking.

My friend, who I cut off the relationship shortly after admitted he couldn't do the work and that he and others would hire people from other countries to do the work. He said he saw himself more like a sales man. He started to become very manipulative and snobby and I realized whatever culture he joined is a bunch of frauds.

The reason the U.S. infrastructure is so awful is because the people who have been leadership and managing are a majority of frauds outsourcing work domestically and internationally.

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Worked with some loudmouth pinko shitbag years back (oddly, doing stock trading shit. Guess the money was too good for his dumbass to be principled)

He wasn’t a total retard, always told me he really didn’t respect the sincerity of any Christians for the fact that there aren’t that many abortion clinics. One could dismantle their operations almost overnight for that very reason you’ve given. Team of motivated Boy Scouts could likely plan and execute operations sufficient to remove the ability for abortionists to provide their services in little to no time.

That if you sincerely believe there is some random building, and in that building children are murdered on a daily basis - how the fuck do you not take action?

Now of course there’s a decent pile of scriptural reasons backing up the pacifist shit (I’m more a drive the money changers from the temple type, personally)

I think about the whole thing a lot. What is staying so many hands?

Hahaha. You’re alright, Ivan.

its worse

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I always wonder just how much shit is emergent behavior or malice with these types of stories.