The greatest story never told

Is it good? Does it have any refferences and sources or just draws information from the get-go?
Any valuable source that this movie draws information from will be appreciated.

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why don't you just try watching it yourself and looking up the information?

I did and I found that it was 100% factual

Just fucking watch it.

as norway said just watch it. it's pretty decent revisionist content, good introduction to it. don't expect professional historian level sourcing, because, you know, history as a profession is defined by the allies and their sham trials.


Go to /his/ and ask there. You'll be surprised at the reception you get there.

Its good

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Currently am watching it

What you should be asking is if any new information has emerged since Dennis Wise first releases TGSNT (2013). Church of Spies by Mark Riebling came out in 2015 and showed that the Pope was plotting to assassinate Hitler.

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For echo chambered retards

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lol who gives a shit about refrences are you cuckold söyboy look at this picture that's how i look and don't give shit about proof lol

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CoIntel Agitprop.

They forget to remind you that the whole thing is as fake as Trump's promise to 'Drain the Swamp'.
It's a clever ruse, isn't it?
Feed people a fake story about an 'ultimate bogeyman' when they're children so that when a portion of them, as dissatisfied adults, discover the counter-narrative, they feel intensely like they've uncovered the 'secret truth' of things and get even more suckered into the narrative than they were before.

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It really is the jews tho

>dirty brits serve the stone of jacob

Bro even i am not that retarded

Where can I watch?

this, anything good said about Hitler and the national socialists is FACT, simple as

>Bro even i am not that retarded

You then are one of the lucky ones.


Can someone tell me what speech I'm looking for? I believe it was a Goebbels speech where some guy yells das/die Juden. I can't find on jewtube anymore. I always got a kick out of it

this is very juicy info user. Thanks for being alive today :) one my biggest hesitations with NatSoc is whether of not it's Roman Catholic. It sure seems so. But you're say no?

why'd you have to hit my feels so hard bro?

"The man who fought the banks"

has literally been debunked dozen of times

>Siemens Dynamo factory in Berlin

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i miss hitler