UDo you believe in the evolutionary theory claiming that all lifes on earth come from a cell that appeared randomly on...

UDo you believe in the evolutionary theory claiming that all lifes on earth come from a cell that appeared randomly on earth billions years ago then randomly mutated until all the animals and plants appeared?

Is there even a better model?

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At the bottom of the giant glass of science, one will discover god and intelligent design, as to that gods nature, the only explanation that makes sense is gnosticism, 1 unknowable being that created everything, probably not good nor evil, and some lesser being that pretends to be god and is evil and imposter god is worshipped by religions of this world ie the great deceiver as described in the bible.

god doesn't do magic tricks does he

Still not going to worship a Jew.

Not randomly. Following the fundamental laws the of universe.
Why do you people even keep saying "random"?
Do you even know what that word means?
Even if you had 100% proof of the existence of God and the Creation story it still wouldn't debunk any of the claims made by people about evolution. All it would mean is that God created a system that could have started that way, even if it didn't.

If you understood the implications of reproduction, you'd understand history and its consequences.

Assuming that God is what is being created by evolution, then the end of the universe wraps around to become the beginning of the universe.

Since technology is indistinguishable from magic, God "doing magic tricks" to prove his identity as not from inside the simulation, would be one of the few, if only ways that a God could separate itself from someone pretending to be God.

So yes, God absolutely does magic tricks. Except they would be super amazing, like pull open a portal to a 4th dimension with a completely different set of physics governing it.

You want to see what you really look like? Here look through this tear in spacetime. It's just a photo of a God playing a videogame. That's not me....

God looks at you with an icy stare.

That's me?

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Except the top is correct and the bottom is mentally ill.

I think both are wrong

hes so perfect bros its unreal

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Evolution is just how God recreates himself. You're just a means to an end.

Our ancestor :DDDD

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Reminding you retards again

We are direct descendents from dinosaurs. The jew comes from prehistoric marsupials, this is why other races look so rat like (especially the jews)

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I can point to God having a nature both infinite and irrational as a being with a finite and rational nature, but I certainly can't understand God, in the same way that I can point to ∞√2, but only God knows what that actually means.

>Humans can create a random number generator
>God can't create a system that creates life through trial and error that doesn't require his constant input that eventually leads to more complex life forms.

A portal opens and A God of what appears to possess infinite power steps through.

You both stare at each other and hit your heads bowing down in worship to each other.

You ask: "Did you build the simulation that made the life that made me?". God says: "How curious, the creator thinks it is the created". I'm you from the future, looking for answers about origin, we're both in the same cage, our princess is apparently in another castle.

God then vanishes back into the portal.

So d*g designed the randomness of the universe?
Makes sense.

God is perfect and anything he would directly design would also be perfect. But life must be flawed as if it were perfect it would be equal to god. But artificially gimping life would go against gods perfect nature. As such, evolution was necessary. With evolutionary design principals one can create an organism that is both perfectly adapted for its environment, whilst at the same time terribly flawed.

>the whole intelligence of the universe is going to open a portal to different physics so you'll believe it

Fucking why do people believe complete nonsense theology
God exists outside existence, outside time and space. God does not exist, but still exists anyways. When you wrap your head around this you get an inkling of how to listen for God. God speaks constantly, he's speaking to you and I right now, and he's trying to tell you how much a faggot you are, except he's going to hide it in the speech of some user on Any Forums, so you can just think to yourself heh that user is wrong.
But God is truth and the truth is what it is if you ignore it or not, so see by calling you a faggot I'm actually acting as a vessel for God to tell you you're a faggot or not. I don't know if you're really a faggot, but God does, and he's already told you if you're reading this.

I wish my own connection with God was better, most days are quite painful right now.

My ex is pregnant and left me lmao

yes, i do believe it. i have faith, something christcucks will never understand because they are only christcucks through fear of hell.

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Nothing is random.

That is the most surface level mintage of Christian events.

If it's not random can evolution theory be right?