If Mormons are so based...

If Mormons are so based, why is the key sacrament of their church a Masonic ritual in a building filled with satanic and pagan symbols?

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My family were LDS Mormon.
No alcohol. No coffee. No dating. No video games. No movies. No music.
10%? Try 20.
Eventually our family got "promoted" in the church. We were able to attend "secretive" meetings.
>day one of meeting
>a circle of fully grown white men cry that we're not recruiting enough new members
>they yell at the missionaries to go harass Mexican neighborhoods more than others because the Mexicans are religious
>my brother has baptized dead people
If only you knew how bad things really are.
Eventually my family all went separate ways. They're all agnostic now except myself. I'm in the process of becoming Orthodox.

Why Orthodox of all things?

There are two genuine options in the world. Orthodox, or catholicism.
I was dating a catholic girl & was on my way to be baptized catholic. But I told the catholics that priests who rape children deserve to be nailed to a cross, and I was unironically kicked out when I refused to change my mind.
Also pope Francis changes rules that have been in place since Jesus christ walked the earth. Every day he makes up rules that were considered heresy less than 100 years ago.
And now francis said you don't have to believe in God to go to heaven. That dude needs to be locked away until his bus to his master in hell comes for him.
So therefore, orthodoxy is the only option left.
I live in Sacramento, with a large population of orthodox Russians who fled the USSR gulags.

They're just judaism in space Mk.1, scientology is judaism in space Mk.2

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They made us worship Joseph Smith as some modern day version of Moses, leading mormons from the East to Utah, where they converter native Americans & then committed genocides against wagon trains to California.

christianity is germanic paganism with a mask on
all their holidays are stolen pagan holidays
their trinity is from paganism
they were forced to assimilate into paganism because those they attempted to convert refused to give up their religious customs and amalgamated it into christianity
even the days of the week are pagan names
christianity has been dead since the 1200's, every christian venerates pagan gods but they're too fucking stupid to realize it

What is a Mormon ritual

The only reason why LDS membership hasn't decreased is because they keep sending missionaries to Latin America and Africa. Fuck mormons, anti - American scum.

Worst of all, they are fully invested in The System. That is why the CIA recruits so heavily from the Mormon community. When push comes to shove, most Mormons will side with ZOG and the NWO.

Up until 50 years ago they used to be an all-White religion. Now they're full of Samoans and beaners. These non-White converts even marry White Mormons.

the only mormon i know had a sexual relationship with their father and rumor spread around school and they left , we dont have many mormans here so i assume thats half normal for them.

its almost like Mormonism was founded by a Mason or something woah

both are idolators...

That's fucking based though.


I'malso from Sacramento and most of the Russians here are Protestants who fled from persecution. The Communists tolerated Orthodoxy but they cracked down hard on Prots for being too close to USA.
Also, it's not surprising you got kicked for saying what you said. Your anger is righteous, but even I think crucifixion is too much. We're big into reconciliation and stuff like that, but I also think there should be harsh punishments too.
-t Catholic

>muh Masons
This is the gayest and dumbest of all christcuck conspiracy theories

Mormons are based DESPITE being retarded.

>We're big into reconciliation and stuff like that
Historically the church literally burned pedo priests
You can‘t save pedos execution (and maybe confession before) is the only solution for them

You must be a dumb nigger or an Anglo sympathizer
Freemasons destroyed the West via the French Revolution and Republicanism. They are the agents of the Jews and were banned by every Fascist regime.

Mormonism is heavily inspired by masonry and their founder was a member of them thats not even a conspiracy

You're probably right.

Adolf Hitler was baptised via proxy, into the LDS church in the South East London England temple, in 1993.