Stacey abrams responds to critics who pointed out that she held an event at a school where everyone had masks on except for her
Right wingers on suicide watch

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The picture in question

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Angry fat dykes now come in chocolate flavor.

>blame blame blame it’s all Republicans fault that I didn’t wear a mask
What a fucking scumbag. Hope this redpills a couple people.

Not a single sentence tries to justify her being without a mask in a room where everyone else is wearing one.

She is a fat black lady. Those white children put her at risk.

Niggresses, especially the leftist types, lack any type of outside-the-box thinking. Hell, African tribes lack the concept of the future, so despite all the eduction, Abrams still lacks any rational thinking beyond what gets her through [today]

Her face is a really compelling argument to advocate for masking.

>dosent address the topic at hand
>everyone else is racyst
yeah not suprised

What a stupid cunt. unmask those poor kids.

>first sentence
>”It is shameful that our opponents are using a Black History Month reading event for Georgia children as the impetus for a false political attack, and it is pitiable and predictable”

Lol. Not a word on the actual picture of her with no mask with a bunch of muzzled kids.

>black history
pick one

>Trading stock to profit off the pandemic
Market tipped in Feb 20, 2020. Who was gaming shit then I wonder?

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>muh Trump
I fucking hate zion don, but the fucker lives rent free in their heads

I read the post with her awful nigger lisp in my head


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Did the libs finally ditch the 6 foot rule? They were pretty anal about that for a long time. Nobody sanitizes anything and people stopped caring about the 6 feet but they still wear a mask.

>no actual excuses
>just "u raciss"

She wrote a lot of sex books under her pen name, and wow at the deflection.

A mask wouldn't hide that gap

We Wuz Kangs n Sheeit by Dr DreSuess

You know what I’ve found kind of ironic is a lot of times I’ll see the left be like “oh hurrrrr so and so owns Pfizer stock or J&j stock it’s all about money,” but if that’s the case then why would they be so heavily anti vax. If they want their stock to go up they’d encourage vax lol

Why is she still breathing?
I would have thought some enterprising individual would have handled that by now.