Just watched it. What does Any Forums think of it?

great movie, i liked it personally.

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>I'm the bad guy?

not based enough

The sequel should be "can't get up" about a white neet getting hits ahit kicked in by everyone around him for nothing he did but his skin color

Good stuff

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The part with the "Nazi" military surplus shopkeeper felt artificial and forced.

The tranny scene was a bit overdone, but it was a good film.

It's okay but ultimately still a basic, Hollywood-style film. Good movie but highly highly overrated.

Good movie until the faggot normie ending

It was designed to make white men look bad. It's very crafty jewish propaganda.

the least gay Joel Schumacher movie

100% Agree.

Yes, it's jewish propaganda where the jewish producer is going "look how we are screwing your society, white goy, doesn't it piss you off? Yes it pisses you off doesn't it! Look how much we have destroyed your society.. seethe goyim yesss seethe muahahah" and because it's true, white men fall for it and become nihilistic.

i need a good antisemitic movie for tonight, any recommendations ?

Terrible movie. There wasn't a single interracial couple or homosexual relationship/sex scene in it, I want my money back.

It's impossible to enjoy the film when you realize that it's supposed to be poking fun at the white working man, rather than trying to show and empathize with his plight.

A homosexual couple enters the nazis store in the movie.

Unfathomablly based


Devon Stack Blackpill did a review on this. Go watch it.

>homosexual relationship/sex scene
was almost un-consensual rape in the pawn shop tho.

unrealistic and its made in the 80s or 90s which means it takes way too fucking long to make whatever luke warm take its trying to do

blackpilled review was good

Obviously the Swede remembers that part.

anti-white. shows white guy as someone who acts like nigger with violence whenever he doesnt get what he wants

Fuck Serbia

And you would have remembered it if there was a Paki.

main actor is jewish


it's shit.