I have never seen a good looking person be far right in my life. NSDAP included

I have never seen a good looking person be far right in my life. NSDAP included

Hitler was a 4, goebbels was a bug rat looking 2.

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I see one everyday when I look in the mirror.

i see one in the mirror every day

>anglo """"""""""humor""""""""""""

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Makes sense you're a footfag
Say hiltler experimented with a cure to your condition and he was so faithgul in it he tried it out on himself
The recipie of this concotion consists of a pistol and a 9mm bullet

NSDAP was a left wing party.
That's what the Allies considered them.

How many right wing people are in Germany, OP?

You only see niggers and arabs on the streets, what do you expect?

The corolarry is that you look at an ugly leftist every time you look in the mirror.

The pussyslayer has spoken :D

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Stupid Turk
Stupid tranny
Based Anglo

Almost zero. Just by looking at pegida/afd/npd demonstrations. Literal incels ngl

>trump is far right

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those are some delicious looking right wing feet

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My father is handsome.

>he thinks the incel pic is showing trump

Ugly people don't have a lot of sex. Sex is the only thing that makes life worth it. The rest is hard work.

Take /pol. the demographic here is male, 20 to 40. Single, childless and incel and just look at how pissed off they are all the fucking time.

This works in the Muslim world as well. The find a similar group of men, incel, no chances of ever having a woman so they are promised 72 virgin if they die for the cause.

Sex and procreation are why we are here. They miss out on this and are pissed. Hell, I would be too.

>I have never seen a good looking person be far right in my life
What is the source of your data then?

good looking ideologues?

Right-wingers are literally failed abortions. It should be legal to execute them on sight with extreme prejudice.

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>>he thinks the incel pic is showing trump

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What about all the Chads at the "white supremacist" Charlottesville rally? Most of them have Chad's jaw lines, muscles, and are in shape. Of course, the left-wing media isn't going to portray far-right-wing people in a good light otherwise it would encourage the movement.

Radicalism in general appeals to the physically disabled and mentally ill.
>t. mentally ill

pic related

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>good looking ideologues?
Che Guevara

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I have never seen an attractive feet fetish faggot in my whole life. What is it about feet that attracts all these ugly and wierd looking men?

>I have never seen a good looking person be far right in my life.

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Pretty sure elvis presley moggs you to hell and back user

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ugly and smelly just like them

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One was a good looking racist man

My girlfriend started out as a normie tier democrat voter and after 2 years she now unapologetically says things like I hate niggers so much and we need a real holocaust.


Anyone on the cultural fringes is more likely to be ugly. Anyone very good looking is going to be more or less normal and thoroughly socialised into the mainstream. The only outliers are people who may have been ugly but became good-looking through weight-loss etc..


Your women look like ruddy jews, hans. Your best days are behind you.

They were national socialist. SOCIALIST. They weren't ever right wing anything.

Did she get fat, pregnant or both?

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