Would you ever marry a left-leaning woman?

Or would you rather just wait until you found a conservative trad girl?

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Not before I fixed her.

>Would you ever marry a left-leaning woman?
You mean a used up cum dumpster who will berate me every time I speak about politics? No.
>Or would you rather just wait until you found a conservative trad girl?
Women shouldn't be conservative. They should have no opinions on politics whatsoever. A woman who is chaste and obedient to her husband isn't "trad" she's just normal. Only in the last 100 years have jews convinced people that a woman being a virgin until marriage is weird or traditional. For thousands of years that was just expected.

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Women are malleable and you can make them into the woman you want, if you are a capable male who assumes the position of primacy in authority in her life.

Noice incel containment

99% of western women?
It's a hard choice user

If you can't influence a woman's political leanings you are too beta to get a woman. A woman's political leanings stem from whoever is the alpha in her life. Women can't be based (nigger speak), or red pilled (tranny talk). All they can do is parrot what the alpha in their life tells them.

>Would you ever marry a left-leaning woman?
only if she is a good looking white or east-asian

Marry no. Fuck yes. I don't discriminate pussy according to it's owners political believes.

Women are fickle. Given them stability and you will see their beliefs system is based on nothing.

Based, this is very true

I don't think it would be appropriate to take advantage of a mentally challenged person so no.

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>she divorces you for FOMO
user.. The government owns the women now

a woman will lean the way my dick tells her to

No it would be too much work and most of them offer nothing that makes it worth the effort. Unintelligent woman are ok, but unintelligent woman thinking they're intelligent because they read rainbow news propaganda is a turn off

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I probably would. Not like it's a good idea, but if I really loved her I'd probably do a lot of stupid shit.

No. I don't want my children to have shitty genetics.

How do i stop fap? Im always coom.

i probably wouldn't marry any woman at this point

id make her lean left for my cummies fuck your slide thread. in all fields

>will you settle with someone that is completely incompatible with you?
This is why you fags are pathetic.

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Yes, because the most attractive women are left wing.

Don't argue with me, there's not a single female celebrity on pol's side anymore and half the threads are constantly bitching about females.

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We are of one mind on this, but I'll say this much; you have to earn it. You have to actually be a man, this is a fundamental which you cannot pretend about.

I don't care about a woman's politics, they always follow their husband by nature. I only care about one thing, is she a cute tomboy or not.

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no, but i would fuck her in the ass until she cries

That's a man.

AOC is acting strange. I think she might be pregnant or trying to get pregnant.

I don't give a shit about the political leanings of my friends or possible partners as long as they keep it to themselves.

Lefties are very easy to convert actually.

Stop calling cunt on the left women. They arent even human beings.

Because pol isnt about stoopid women. Id hate pol if it simped for anything.

What The fuck happened there?


Lurk more

kill yourself, retard.


A reasonable Democrat voter yeah, most of them along with general Republican voters are just casuals anyway. But a blue hair? Too high a chance of mental illness, along with the likelihood of sexual brainwashing resulting in inhuman ideology about gender n such. You can usually fuck nationalism straight into their brains but still gotta pick a good one.

Pro tip: having a good relationship with her father is a good sign.

Can't get divorced if you don't get married

I'm economically left wing, but not socially. So yes.

Also, AOC is pretty.

That's a man you retarded faggot.

I concur, Czechoslovakia.

Nothing. They're Americans, they usually act like that

No but I would marry aoc

Yeah, I'm sure all those taytay and Brittany venti and Lauren southern and Ashton whatshername and a dozen other ourgirls that I don't bother to remember were all just anomalies, bruv

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Depends. If she's just "left-leaning" you can make her believe whatever you want by just espousing your beliefs at every turn, as most women are "left-leaning" because they have been indoctrinated into believing feminism.

If she's a hardcore left-wing believer, then she's used goods anyway.

Does anyone have that pic of a bald Ilhan Omar?

In a mild way. She isnt stunning tho..

Dude I'm abandoning all hope of getting married. And here is my list of concessions, and I still won't find her:
>she can have a bodycount, as long as she repents of it, is ashamed of it, and will never discuss or justify it
>she can be over 28 years old, just under 35
>she can be "not racist" as long as she can tolerate conversation. i will redpill over time.
>she can be "not homophobic", same as above.
>she can be East Indian, Asian, Latina, or other non-African
>she can be not "Christian" as long as she believes in God, same as above, I will redpill her
i think those are a lot of concessions. I think I only have 3 Hard No's:
>no black
>no single mom
>no vaccinated
so hahahha it's over for me most likely. No family of my own

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Sure, I'm pretty sure that the left-leaning types are way more malleable than right-leaning types.

Furthermore, you gotta be really careful when you marry a trad girl. The reality is a lot of these women expect you to be the breadwinner and will get on your fucking case if you don't make enough money. Pretty sure they'll also just shit-test you more often in general. They're not all soft and submissive like our fantasies like to project them to be. A friend of mine married a traditional girl, and she's a total fucking bitch to him. By contrast, I'm pretty sure a left-leaning girl will be more likely to deal with your flaws.

At the end of the day all I care about is finding someone who isn't a slut, especially a used-up slut, who's relatively malleable and open-minded. Who knows, I might learn something from someone with different political beliefs than me.

Pretty disgusting looking.

God damn America really is a third world shithole


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This. Once I had a liberal brown girl role play as a racist conservative white girl because she wanted to impress me. It was the funniest thing in the world.

Why do people like this dirty nigger?

Only correct awnser. Women should do as they are told

Her? Yes!

Physically shagging the leftism out of hot women and making them racist enough that they'll causally say nigger around the house has been one of the most unspeakable pleasures of my wretched life.

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If I can undue the brainwashing then yes

The real question is why even get married when I live in Chicago and some where could take my loft and 75% of my salary after she cheated on me kek

Why? So we can fight all the time?

POV: You took AOC out for dinner, she says "I'm really enjoying this user, should be go to your place or my place afterwards?"

What do you do?

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a privilege of the best looking men