
so, why do Americans hate him? especially niggers, they even dedicate diss songs to him (e.g. Killer Mike - Reagan). and what part of Americans do like Reagan? from the point of view of me, a foreigner, he was a great president and almost the most charismatic leader I have ever known. USSR collapsed during his rule, by the way

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you are a kike if you don't hate every single american president, all of them were jews reading a script as part of the big theater known as the united jewish colonies of america

is there any evidence of this? at least for Reagan?

yes, the fact that he was made president

this is absolutely pointless. like believing in God or something. if there is no evidence, even circumstantial, how can one believe it?

Reagan lessed immigration restrictions to allow for a massive influx of poopskin immigrants for low-wage labor as an economic boost. It helped the GDP, but it lowered wages and destroyed the country demographically. The % of the white population declined very rapidly post-reagan. Nigs just dont like him because he didn’t stop them from smoking crack, giving eachother aids, or shooting eachother.

cause he was your typical cuckservative faggot who didn't do shit when in power. your typical fake opposition. Didnt ban abortion, Didnt revert the Hart–Celler Act. pretty much enriched future globohomo corporations and made sure califronia would never be a majority white state

That's a big one. He also signed into law a major infringement of our right to bear arms which was clearly illegal according to the constitution but our whole government ignores that (while conveniently not ignoring the parts of the constitution that give them power over us). Reagan is a reminder that our whole government is illigitimate because they openly fuck us over and don't follow their own rules.

I would agree with you from Lincoln onward. Lincoln was a really big step into blatant despotism and we've never recovered from that.

He destroyed Latin America countries with a combination of debt, drug wars and inflation. I'm not sure if it's based or not.

> Reagan lessed immigration restrictions to allow for a massive influx of poopskin immigrants for low-wage labor as an economic boost
this is so globohomo! like they do it today in Europe. and looks like you're right. the number of migrants after his reign has increased significantly

> and made sure califronia would never be a majority white state
what he did to California?

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> He also signed into law a major infringement of our right to bear arms
what was the point of this? why he did that?

This dude was literally an actor, you cant get more jew puppet than that. He is the main person responsible for the insane accumulation of wealth by the 1%. Anyone that defends this faggot needs to neck himself

google what happened in 1971

to enrich and serve the jew, that's the answer to every action a politician has ever done

Basically. Why would they want the goyim to defend themselves?

jesus christ new fags are truly a cancer for this board, why do these retards think we keep saying jew jew jew?

Haha maybe he's just young. We were all ignorant once. He's on the right path asking these questions.

It was primarily him and Nixon and Clinton who decimated the power of American labour.

when I came here I fucking lurked for a very long time and read the pastas posted, doesn't take a rocket scientists to figure out that world history beyond 1945 is all about jews laughing on the goyim

in fact, I've been on the imageboards for many years. and in this board I try to ignore the threads about the kikes. because I just don't believe it. you can explain any negative event that happened by saying that it allegedly weakened the goyim in favor of the kikes. in the end it has zero evidence, just another conspiracy theory. you can replace the kikes with aliens or anything and it will be the same


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>because I just don't believe it
face the wall

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Haha this guy is living in a country that came to be owned by billionaire jews after the USSR fell, then had foreign jews installed to run the government after the recent coup and now it's being fought over by two great powers both led by and for jews and he doesn't jews have anything to do with it.

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> Old Mother Reagan and her crew took away from me and you!
> I hope she goes far away, she better go far away...
> Y'know it ain't right when it's all wrong,
> This is the Old Mother Reagan protest song.
> Old Mother Reagan -- she's so dumb! She's so dangerous!
> How come she don't go far away, she better go far away...
> Old Mother Reagan went to heaven, at the pearly gates, she was stopped!

but why? I understand that a lot of extremely negative trends are developing in the West right now. like nigger worship, faggot propaganda etc., but isn't this just another political lever of influence on the population? patriotism doesn't work anymore and there are no more wars in the western Europe, so they are trying something new

his country is owned by the jew since 1919 to be more specific, first it was the sovkikes killing half his country and sending the other half to break rocks in siberia and now it's the kikes stealing everything but he will still tell you it's a conspiracy theory, some retards should seriously be culled for the benefit of everyone