Should gay people be fired for being gay?

Should gay people be fired for being gay?

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no in fact they should be promoted as I was at work when I 'came out' at the monthly LGBTQ luncheon. I got like 50 emails congratulation my on my "courage"

good bootlicker.
here, have some crumbs

fags should be fired for sexually harassing cisgender people

once i will start hiring i will reject every faggot's application.
mainly because i dont want employees who have other allegiance than my company.
but also because all the lgbthrash is fucking disgusting and create conflict in the workplace

im gonna launch an IT buisness so im pretty sure ill reject alot of them.

Yes firing squads would be best for them

Fired as in literally burned alive

yes, faggotry is a direct result of having a lack of conscience (ie a psychopath) anyone so fucked in the head that they don’t know boys go with girls can never be a good employee

No but they should be fired for acting like a fag

Not just for that, no.

Only if they are faggots

Yes. Fags are recruiters not reproducers

Anyway, if you can find out that someone is gay with only one conversation, it justifies not hiring this person because of behaviorial issues besides the gayness question.

I'm okay working with gay people so long as they aren't faggots. Same as how I'm okay working with black people so long as they aren't niggers.

i will scrutinize their social media and have a behaviorist on payroll
when i say IT its high tech, not some shit ponzi startup
i will pay people enough so they basically give up their privacy for the pay.
cant have leaks or bad intentions in what i will do.
weeding out bad actors is the first step to get right.

If by fired you mean into the sun


Gay people should be executed

There should be freedom of association.

Lesbians don't actually exist though. They're a meme.


Yes, fired them in the oven.

Fired out of a cannon m8
Lol captcha is N0 H0(mos)

No they should be fired upon.

Attached: 800px-BatistaFireSquad.jpg (800x471, 57.2K)

Jokes aside, I agree with this. I can know people at my workfor months and not know if they are single or married or engaged or whatever. I don't put my personal life out there nor do I care to ask for yours.

The faggot I instantly knew was gay because it was all he talked about in a fucking professional setting. Thankfully he got caught stealing from a dead patient and got fired.

Fired straight into the sun.

I don't think that's too much to ask.


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