Influencers and Youtubers

>According to a recent study which was conducted with 2,000 parents having at least one child aged between 11 and 16, it has been proved that social media influencer and YouTuber stood second (17 per cent) and third (14 per cent) in the list of most popular professions that children wish to pursue for their careers. Doctors topped the list with 18 per cent.

These are the people teens idolize. We truly live in a society. A society in which dumb bimbos are comparable to doctors, and one should never have to experience anything "uncomfy".

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Once i had a professor get upset with me for using quotations on something that wasn't directly said. Just a heads up user.

memeflag nigger = I don't care about your shit thread


I looked it up and it is acceptable nvm

I hate professors

At least half the faggots on Any Forums idolize e-celebs

This pic needs a Frenchanon "me" stick figure edit.

your prof is a pseudo intellectual retard and so are you

You should bash your professor

wow, 1) murderer 2) whore 3) entertainer

Good job retard, now start to "look it up" for the rest of that "education" prof. Steinberg sold you.

It was bad 20 years ago when I was growing up basically got shunned and became Volcel neet over it.
Only in the last 3 years have I been able to reconnect with like minded anons and anti jab mask nutters

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They want easy get rich quick jobs. In 90s the top job was pro athlete. Sadly, better odds of being pro athlete than rich youtuber.

It is fine for casual writing but not formal. At least in the big league it makes you look dumb. That's the impression they were sharing i suppose.

the face is hittin dat waaaaaaallllll

Trash like that need reckoned with.

to be fair she's got a permanent airbag

>nurse reports young boys with ED
user, i... how did your "nurse" "friend" come to that conclusion

You're a cute little guy

that's hilarious seeing as half this faggot board posts threads about e-celebs

Why wouldn’t they idolise them? They appear rich and happy and do absolutely fuck all except go on holiday. They’re celebrities without actually having any talent at all, all they have to do is be good looking and take photos of themselves.

It’s pure poison, but this is the world we live in. It’ll turn back around once an entire generation fuck themselves by dropping out of college to pursue YT/IG careers. Then the next generation will be laughing because there will be a shortage of qualified workers, and the wages of those jobs will skyrocket. Gen Z are absolutely fucked.

You know kids are retarded when they still want to be a clot shotted doctor after two years of a fagdemic.

Not my screengrab got it from this thread

>source: my dick and balls
Kys yourself nigger

I posted in that bread. My take is we're reaching peak domestication and zoo tier societes that drive the human spirit into the ground. Every human society sought territory and mastery of its body and physical space. Ironically inner city gangsters and the taliban are living with more human spirit and truer to our ancestors than domesticated urbanites.