Jordan Peterson just straight up admitted that giving women the right to vote was a mistake and he went on to explain why. To a woman's face.


Attached: 25484673.png (1920x1080, 2.14M)

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Timestamp at 21:19

that's a man, user. It's Canada after all. Aren't they 90% tranny by now?
>people who support the mandates are women over 55

Never liked Peterson and his obtuse vocabulary trying to make himself seem smart. He lives in the bubble of academia and his ideas sound smart but fall apart when pointed back at his personal life while he finds a thesaurus.

Guess how I know you are an uneducated mutt who's triggered by those who remind you of how ignorant you are instead of bettering yourself?


>he use big word. big word upset Oog.


This guy gets it

>trying to make himself seem smart
There are plenty of people who do this, but why would you think Peterson is one of them? Do you not believe he is genuinely smart?

Attached: 46hdsg225.jpg (1884x1560, 299.28K)


Based piss drinker
Reject modernity
Embrace tradition


Hoyl shit, this is based as fuck actually. When will he name (((them)))?

>Women are right, you are wrong
He said this last year.

y hes a smart guy! but it's not so difficult outsmarting retards. most of his content where he "obliterates feminist with facts and logic" is just common sense, and since people who have common sense don't get a platform these days , he kinda stands out. of course many times i agree with what he says, but its not some very obscure wisdom, its very logical, plain and simple. he is a very good story teller though!

Ironic, because Peterson mentions the dangers of this bubble you mention, he is very self aware of this issue, you'd know if you cared to listen to any of his lectures and interviews..


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The ideas Peterson presents is like redpills for normies, like still keep them in the matrix but reframing the narrative so you can act in a way that is opposing the system while not really hitting the nail on the head but just smacking the hammer against wood and saying WELL SEE I DID SOMETHING, IT MAY NOT HAVE BEEN THE RIGHT THING BUT YEAH. WASH YOUR PENIS PAY ME.

The fact of the matter is there is no pandemic, there is no virus but Peterson will never say that either because hes an idiot or he wants mass appeal.


i agree , its a good take. its midwit content, same with joe rogan, but they never address the REAL issue :)

Peterson is becoming based

Fair enough, but your version of "redpilling" could merely be basic bitch schizo posting also. At the end of the day, what Peterson provides is better than nothing, and louder than any CHUD on the darker corners of the web...

i hate him because he sounds like a faggot and acts like a posh nigger faggot

He already has, he just says its because of their high IQ instead of any malicious and parasitic intentions. He probably self-censors himself from exploring it any further.

Saying women are too emotional to make important decisions for society is really good progress compared to just 5 years ago where centrists like Peterson were just complete leftists but more timid. The generation that matters all think covid is fake anyway (15-25 demographic).

I don't really care about his personal life but usually when I listen to him I find something interesting or useful. The first 20 minutes of his talks tend to not be his best and then he somehow hits his stride. Seems to happen with some regularity.