Will there be forgiveness??

Will you ever forget what people like pic related have done to us?

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literally who


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Wow, human rights are such an inconvenience for (((them)))

So what about that who being a bad ass rock star clown? Oh right. He's a kike.

some kike


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he's like 80, he will be dead soon enough

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Well that is cute now coming from a retired old nobody

I will not stop until last vaxxfaggot is hanged

>gene simmonds

Hey can someone google what this guys actual name is? I seem to have forgotten.

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isn't this guy's real name Chaim something?

They had their injections and they are still scared.


Oy vey, the antisemitism!

Like many others on this board, I've come to the conclusion that the elite are right about the masses. They are cattle, I don't even view them as human.

>be ruling class
>push vaccine mandate for divide and conquer
>vaccine ends up not working
>vaccine ends up causing people to get sicker
>ruling class believes own propaganda
>doesn’t realize what’s going on before it’s too late
>try to blame guy who made it
>except no one listens because they trust the people you called conspiracy theorists who turned out to be right about everything over the last two years
Based people have a lot of weight on their shoulders to guide these awakening masses over the next few years. Those who catch on the worse it gets will react harder and be the most radical. Imagine getting redpilled right now and not in 2016, 2008, 2001, 1965, or whenever you did and realizing what the last two years have been. Imagine being some covid faggot all this time and having the rug ripped from beneath you. My turning point was Bernie and the final push was listening to professors complain about white people after trump won. It was less than a year. Whether it was similar to that, the financial crisis, wmd in Iraq, 9/11, Waco, or spur of the moment, we know that initial feeling. This feeling is going to be hitting normies. Many may OD on redpills. Someone drove past me today while I was walking out of a store and yelled “fucking race traitors” at the coal burner walking in with her negroid. This was two minutes after some boomer flipped out on the cashier about them having nothing because we shut the country down for a bunch of freaks. Normies are about to get very based. we need to channel and harness that basedness before the goblins use it to clamp down even further.

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Man, all these boomer rock stars turned into colossal faggots.

>I hate the idea that you get to do whatever you want and the rest of the world be damned
t. Boomer who followed that mantra for his whole life
We should have locked up every person aged above 60 and COVID wouldn't even have been a problem.

Such rebels weren't they..

I don't care about your political beliefs, if you walk among us as a Jew, you are an enemy.
You don't have a 'right' to go through a red light or smoke in a building.

That's pretty fucking genocidal language desu

I think it’s far more appropriate to catch them all and put them in some kind of mega structure prison and let them rot away with only very people working there, as to make everybody forget they ever existed. It’s the most fitting punishment, delete all their “legacies” and destroy their “immortalization” reduced to a mere footnote in history that if one has the clearance and interest one can look into them individually but as far as the majority is concerned they are know as “those guys”.

Well K.I.S.S. was an act larping as satan worshiping clowns, so this message isn't really that different.

Now Rage Against the Machine, that's a real 180

Jews will pay for their transgressions as has always been the case.

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Who hasn’t fucked this guy’s wife? I also walked in on him sucking some guy off at a horse race a long time ago.