Why is this propaganda trending? Am I living in a bizarro land?

Why is this propaganda trending? Am I living in a bizarro land?
The only adults of my generation not struggling are those born from rich parents.
We just had a 3 year long shitshow pandemic including atleast a year of lockdowns.
We just saw inflation balloon up and the price of living higher than ever. And yet wages aren't chasing the trends.
Fucksake do people just look the other way?

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millennials are the most fucked.
>war if middle east
from the start of their lives.
>le covid in the middle of their lives.

This is ironic right? 9/11 was a very focused thing. The war in the middle east did not affect most westerners just those who fought it and it started in 2001 so gen z were those born with it being the norm
2008? Yeah bro the numbers are looking just as bad now. Most people my age will never own a new car or own a house only those born into wealth.

Delusional, Gen Z just knows the truth that man is mortal and doesn't give a shit anymore, it's not better off, it is just apathetic

>The only adults of my generation not struggling are those born from rich parents
>We just had a 3 year long shitshow pandemic including atleast a year of lockdowns.
Only been 22 months, of which only a third or less was lockdown
>We just saw inflation balloon up and the price of living higher than ever. And yet wages aren't chasing the trends.
Wages increases are about 5% while inflation is about 7%, a difference of -2% is a nothingburger

Fuck off you just want any excuse to justify your shitty life because you're too lazy to do anything to help yourself

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The ol' American bootlicker. You think 22 months of ever changing and ultra restrictive pandemic rules and lockdowns is a better start to adulthood than how milleneals had it?
The cost of living is higher than the wages can provide for. Young people aren't living they are surviving. There is little chance of ever affording a house in the current market when a young person earns £1500 and the majority of that goes on bills and rent and god forbid keeping a car running too.
Plus with the 2030 deadlines on electric only cars soon we won't even be able to get a deal on a prowled rustbucket

>Am I living in a bizarro land?

they are

you aren't

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because I'm not a fucking midwit and I didn't go into crippling debt to go to Middleman school,

it's literally propaganda to get zoomies out working and taking loans for college

In the UK the debt is not nearly as crippling as in America. If you don't pay it back here after 20 years its wiped.
And you only pay it back if you enter a high wage class. Majority of graduates don't pay it back

Trending is fake and paid for. Slowly we move towards completely fake internet.

Yeah that maybe be so, but in America College and University are not institutions of learning they're meant to squeeze the Middle Class aspirationals into a class prisons so to speak and keep them subservient to their betters, e.i the Ivy leaguers.

It's easier than ever to make money. Millennials started their lives in the Great Recession when it was much harder to get a good paying job even if you had a the proper training/certification/degree. Nowadays everyone is hiring and barely ask for qualifications. You can even make money now in crypto and social media for doing absolutely no effort. Anyone with determination and a IQ above 75 can succeed if they want to.

Again you would rather blame others for your own failures rather than do anything meaningful to help yourself

The 18 year olds starting in the call centre or factory at my work:
>minimum wage for listening to boomers complain on the phone all day or mind numbing putting wood into machine and taking it out again
>live with parents, could afford to rent a room in a shared house but then no money for anything else
>have to walk to work

I'm 32 at least I could afford a car when I was 18.

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>The war in the middle east did not affect most westerners

When I was in school all we talked about was osama bin laden and killing all the towel heads, same with Iraq and Saddam. Kinda based now you think about it, strange how that turned around.

Millennials also had the opportunity to invest in Bitcoin in its infancy. Those with parents who could gift them down payment funds gave them an opportunity to buy a house at the lowest prices in 2 decades. They also had a 13 year bull run in stocks. Any Millennial who hasn't made it has no one else to blame.

Crypto and social media. You are delusional

Gen Z were raised ready and happy to work in McDonalds etc. Realistic attainable starter jobs.

Millenials were raised by Boomers for Boomer economy that was already long gone. No one raised their zoomer kids for a 1975 job market.
I know a few zoomers and they are keen to work and be normies in ways millenials weren’t. The downside to be a zoomer is they are all doe eyed homosexuals. The most dough eyed softboy in the 1980s would be a rugged mans man in todays modern class room. Let alone the pencil protector nerd stereotype of yesteryear. Who would be toxic masculinity now.
In practice Zoomers are just as fucked as millenials its just less of a surprise to them.

The only younger gen I envy are those just born to Dads who have then doing a fitness routine the day they’re born and make them watch strong man and eat big.

It's mostly gen x parents of zoomers pointing and laughing at the millennial failures and saying:
>Do grow up like that son.

zoomzoom here
you millennials were just the worst of the worst
>third wave feminism
>everyone who disagrees with me is an [insert projection]
>I have liberal arts degree! that's why Starbucks should pay me $30/hr!
>men kissing children
>people walking their gimp around in public
>muh pro-nouns
>muh oppression hierarchy
>I'm gonna chop my penis off
>I'm gonna stitch my forearm to my vagina and call it a penis

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I take home 1700 post tax and there is 0 chance I'm moving out anytime soon. Renting would fucking bankrupt me mate. I give my parents 400 buck and plow everything I can into stocks and crypto

I only have 40k at age 26 but I'm convinced this is more than 85% of my peers desu

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the people who write these articles live in a bubble

>>I'm gonna stitch my forearm to my vagina and call it a penis
That is totally not a mental illness.

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No, they're just lying to you

cope, millennial scum.
zoomers will rule the world. remember to tip your landlord!

most people do

Jokes on you zoom zoom there's not going to be a fucking world left.

I agree with your final sentiment but bitcoin is relevant to this thread only in how the zeitgeist around investing has been. I almost put £2000 in Bitcoin on 2010. I would be set for life as long as my janky wallet wasn’t fucked or the HDD didn’t die etc etc it was a much bigger gamble that history remembers but the world told me it was a ponzi scheme or something the government can shutdown any day. Boomers raised millenials like anything that wasn’t a white collar job was equivalent to a grifter soliciting in a nursing home.
Zoomers conversely grew up looking at bitcoin and opening toys and youtube and seeing the opportunities of the modern world.

Its far more

>I got mine, get yours
Milennials really are 30-year old boomers. I bet you had a libertarian phase where you were actually worried about sound market fundamentals too.

nigger zoomer we started with 2 economic depressions. just 10 years ago wages were literally 1990s level.

9/11 = watching thousands of people die live on television when still in school
ME war = government doing what the fuck it likes no matter the protests (collapse of the boomer narrative that defined their lives)
Occupy = government and business jack each other off and there's NOTHING you can do about it

Add into that the ongoing depression for 14 years and is it any wonder the generation is fucked by feelings of powerlessness?

Just your basic gas lighting, nothing too fancy

We've always been at war with East Asia and what not. Chocolate rations were increased from 30g to 20g today

This. The issue is really expectations. Zoomers are a little smarter with money than millennials, because they weren't raised with insane expectations and fed "just go to college and graduate, then you'll be doing better than your parents did, just like the generation before you" boomer advice. I'm actually seeing some zoomers decide to settle down or get serious at 23 or 24, meanwhile the great portion of millennials still seem to live like college students into their 30s.

gen z are never moving out of their parents home lol

c o p e

Lol making money in crypto is straight luck, like Forex, if you think otherwise you didn't study the field enough, the only products where you can have a positive probability are stocks, that's why there is not a single currency trader on the Forbes list.
Same for being a professional scammer on social media, a huge amount of luck is involved.
It's hard to find a job nowadays, and non-qualified jobs tends to pay nearly the same as qualified one.
House, lands and used cars are also insanely expensive.
We do live in a shitty world and starting now sucks.

You don't really believe in global warming do you english teacher sensei