People call me a liar when I say I can picture anything in my mind and do anything to it

>People call me a liar when I say I can picture anything in my mind and do anything to it
Are y'all fucking with me because if not what the fuck do I use these powers for

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Picture a topless aoc

I can do that as well. I studied industrial design.

There's no way people don't picture an apple in their minds, I just don't believe it. They're fucking with you.

>Tfw try to picture an apple in my head
>Picture it
>Suddenly an entire house appears around it
>Apple rolls off imaginary table
Why is my brain so retarded

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Spatial reasoning? That's pretty common user. Don't think you're special just because you're surrounded by NPCs

Time for a sentience test ;)

Can you think in anything beyond the second dimension?
Can you perceive things in the 3rd dimension?

Think about this for a sec and try your hardest to think beyond the second dimension.
May be a bit tough

My mom said she can't picture an apple in her head over Christmas dinner. Whole family just stared at her.

>Think about this for a sec and try your hardest to think beyond the second dimension.
literally picturing a hyper cube rotating in my mind. it's not hard

You think NPC meme is what exactly?

you cant comprehend non-linear time

you aren't supposed to reveal your power level....

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How do you picture it? Try not to let pride get in the way here and just write me off and think you're correct.

I can think in tesseracts and toruses too. But only up to a certain point.

Apparently they've done studies and stuff and like one in five people self-report they have literally no ability to create a mental image at all.

What this really means and does it add credence to the NPC meme well I've got no idea

it mindblowing to imagine normies dont have imagination at all. never realized that

you actually don't in speech

i i tell you to sit on a chair you know what a chair is and don't actually visualize it

At the same time, would someone be able to "force" you to picture something just by telling you to? If someone told me "think of a [thing]" then it would immediately be pictured in my mind. In that way, others can control me

To those wondering how to get it if they dont now;
Mediation unironically
I couldnt visualize shit before, started to meditate more (for reasons other than visualization) and a good 2 months into it, after building up my patience to sit still up to half an hour I suddenly could visually imagine things during the meditation
Another month later and I can now do it at will

Can people seriously not do this? You literally just think of it and you can project an image in your mind and make it rotate or zoom in out, literally anything. I can visualize anything. I seriously didn’t know some people are incapable of this.

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Take DMT or mushrooms and you can. Afterwards you can still perceive the experience and have a base reference for things beyond the 4th/5th dimension.

For me it's using my minds eye. I don't have to close my eyes to see it, but my vision fades, and partially goes to my imagination where I now see what I'm thinking like a daydream.

What's your approach to meditation?
I've always done fine with spatial reasoning (studied engineering) but never have "visualized" in the sense that some supposedly describe with this apple meme. 3D spaces that are not immediately material to me are comprehensible, but as abstractions.

God had to imagine the world before he created it. Consider yourself lucky for experiencing a sliver of his greatness.

Yea my friend used this to make me sick his dick once when we were high. He kept saying sick my dick, and I could start to feel it in my mouth. The trick is to not let your mind slip and picture his dick in my mouth in the first place.

This. Can people not use the minds eye to see eventuality? I do this almost passively and its like getting psychic powers when you stop and critically think.

It's always happening when I'm reading. Watching the story unfold. I don't know how reading would be without it

There's a board just for that, and it has even more retards than Any Forums...

Adding on to this - isn't this true for everyone? If you tell someone to think something, they do. Picturing it against will isn't different from thinking it against will, I assume

3d hands typed this post

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some can argue (not me btw) that you can only imagine what you have experienced before

so in theory, nobody knows what I look like, so can you picture me eating an apple? its not that you have to be correct in what your imagining what i look like its that if you can make up something you have no information or experience with

same here. I can picture anything, and do anything with it. I am especially good at making up mechanical things, and seeing them is action. For example an engine, a gearbox or a rifle in motion. I can imagine every little moving part and see how they interact. I even can imagine some material properties as well.
And before anyone asks, no I'm not autistic. I was tested for it on multiple occasions, but the verdict was always "he might have something but it is mild enough to make him a normal functioning person".

I have worked with a lot of people who are incapable of this. They can imagine how it looks, that is remembering it from pictures previously seen.

>a board for 3dcg
>only way to view it is with 2 dimensional images

wew lad

>>People call me a liar when I say I can picture anything in my mind and do anything to it
most people can do this

Reading always made a big connection on this topic with me. Growing up, I remember asking repeatedly how i can read the words on a page and see/picture/IMAGINE whats happening in my head

Over the years, 30~ now, its clear my imagination and ability to "see" is declining ( though sparks up at times )

Bug out.
Dig in.
Buy land.
Learn to shoot.
Start a family.
Raise goats.
Learn to fix solar panels.
Grow your own.
Read old books
Develop new traditions
Avoid any metro over 100,000 people.
This will take awhile.

Nah because it takes about a second for any thought to form in that time people can form to something else. This is mainly because thinking takes an effort. You can only force thought as much as you can block it, which is exhausting.

What's the point of wasting your time visualizing things if you can't even save it? if i could save them i could make millions

You are now breathing manually.
You are now aware of the position of your tongue in your mouth.
Your clothes are now blue.
(That last one might not work, I'm still workshopping it).

>the mind rapist

It really gets going when it's fiction, less so when it's just communication or articles

Wait what the fuck?
Can people just NOT do this?
I've been able to picture anything in my mind since about 6.

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Thank god this thread popped up.
I had this conversation with a girl at work. She's a hardcore leftist lesbian who's married to another leftist lesbian. Anyway, she says she literally sees nothing in her head. When she thinks of a word or object, it's "abstract" in her mind. She doesn't see it but knows what it is. She says this is why she only reads non fiction books, because she can't use her imagination to see something in her head that doesn't exist. IE: creatures etc. She can't smell in her mind either.

I was blown away. What the fuck is going on. Also, she's 26. Part of me wants to think this is more common in the more younger generation and will only get worse for future generations of kids

Me too user, how do these people read books and comprehend if they cannot do this? I watch a full movie in my head while I am reading a book. The people who can't see have been deceived and have not found gnosis yet.