Has the villainization of Nice Guys been done for a political purpose?

Or is it just efficient for Female Dating Strategy to villainize Nice Guys.

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What you mean by nice guys is simp faggots and disdain for your type is universal.

Nah, sympathy for Nice guys was common on the internet 15 years ago for genuine guys who have problem getting dates. Then girls got fed up with feeling guilty online and managed to change the meaning to a guy who whines for sex constantly.

Bro cringe.

>15 years ago
>2007. Year of the iPhone.
Girls didnt change they just weren’t on the internet.

It's just another modern feminist retelling of the idea that you should fear the anger of an otherwise gentle man. We see this all the time regarding meekness in men is often look down upon.

I think people conflate "nice" with "lacking confidence."

The phrase Nice Guys Finish Last is older than the hills

This isn’t a new concept, women hate them because they lack confidence and can’t hold frame

Being nice =/= being weak. Women despise weak men. Assholes can get pussy because they have a lot of overlap with traits that women perceive as strong (disagreeable, dismissive, dominant) and "nice guys" often suffer from weak traits (agreeableness, supplication, social inhibition)

Obviously the ultimate giga chads are those who combine being nice and warm, with dominance and strength. But people need to stop using "nice" and weak interchangeably

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Being dismissive is the most pussy drenching trait I have ever witnessed, no joke.

I had this Asexual buddy - as in, he literally didn't have a sex drive. When we'd be out, he was noticeably completely disinterested in women, and it drove women insane. I used to see women do some insane shit to try and gain his attention
>"Accidentally" bump into him
>obnoxiously enter his peripheral vision and toss hair incessantly
>playfully balance empty cups on his head
Shit was crazy

Nice guys are boring and not worth spending time on.

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I ll show you a magic trick, swallow that pencile.

I guess i have to celebrate that with a pictory.
I only have the cuts because of the cats.

Nice guy thing has always been a joke. No woman wants a little boy that does everything she asks. When woman think of nice guys they think of someone that doesn't beat them, opens doors, is a gentleman BUT tells her what to do. He takes control of the situation, makes the decisions, speak for her in public situations like restaurants and the like. Women need control, they don't stay in abusive relationships because they are scared.
Treat a princess like a whore and she will be yours for as long as you want.

Nice Guys:

Translation: Overly agreeable push-over simpletons that mistook a woman’s “Niceness” towards them as attraction to them,...

Rather than seeing the fact that she had NO SEXUAL tension towards them, (you were like a little neutered puppy to her) resulting in his naive-ass becoming friend zoned.

nice guys are cancer. I hope all of you law-abiding goodie boy shitheads get gunned down in the streets and burn in hell

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> doesn't beat them
big mistake in relationships

Woman: gives a condescending look or snide comment at “Nice Guy,” in order to shame him bro submission and test his frame.

Nice Guy: “Oh my god PLEASE accept me, watch me bend over backwards, I can beg foreclosed pussy and take whatever I can get!”

It's efficient to stop white people from breeding.

Imagine how stupid you have to be as a woman to turn down a guy that wants to take care of you and your offspring LMAO

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>When we'd be out, he was noticeably completely disinterested in women, and it drove women insane.
You're full of shit, or you were interpreting things the way you wanted to see them because you were hoping there was some magical code for nice guys to unlock the pussy.

I've lived in many countries and when guys sit and stare into each others' eyes and fake laugh as loud as they can (like the room around them full of women doesn't exist) women can smell the fear and intimidation.

Fucking cringy SIMP shit.

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You got to be the man in the relationship, but treat her well once in a while