Am I alone in this feeling

I have lost the urge to talk to people, I have nothing to say anymore. Why is this? Is it the filter I put on for non right wing people or what the fuck is happening? I joined a right wing group chat and could talk freely without issue but now I have no place to speak freely and it feels like I’m just unable to conversate now

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>Sad Ryan Gosling Blade runner thread #99999999999

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I’m at the same place. Been working from home for a year and a half, no changes, no adventures, nothing. Sometimes I get so frustrated just talking to my girlfriend of two years, I don’t even really know why. I just have nothing to say and I almost don’t want anyone to even acknowledge me. When I think back to just a couple years ago I was full of life, happy, hopeful for the future, striving. I am in kind of a numb state at this point. I share that feel user.

if I had to deal with a girlfriend during this That’d be worse, having to be interesting and engaged with the world sucks ass. Dropped one girl I was talking with and keep trying to find new groups to talk to maybe get that spark back but nothing. Idk what to do, dopamine fast? try something new and physically engaging? depression maybe causing it or just the world being full of libshit consumers idk anymore

I know it's not good to be a misanthrope or nihilist but lately when I ask myself what *do* I really care about I can't think of a good answer.

I don't enjoy going anywhere anymore.
I hate going to the gym now because I can't stand being around other people.
I realised its because of COVID even though I'm not even worried about COVID. It's somehow made me unconsciously hate being around other people.
At first I didn't realise why I didn't like going anywhere anymore because consciously I wasn't really bothered by having to wear a mask, everyone else wearing masks, and having to check in everywhere. But then I realised that unconsciously that is the reason. It just wears on you whether you realise it or not. Everything is ruined now.

I think its also the long lockdowns. After being locked down and at home all the time, I don't enjoy going out anywhere anymore, even though I hated being locked down

>I have lost the urge to talk to people
Wow, just like me...20 years ago.

thats not sadness you autist.

>I joined a right wing group chat and could talk freely without issue
I can talk neither to right-wing nor to left-wing people, get on my level.

This, but quite consciously

I hated people before covid. I hate them even more now. I want the end to come so I can have more solitude and fewer people.

/pol is not a place to come for therapy, it's a place for mental self harm.

You've been reduced to an individual

Shill script

It's a demoralization shill thread. Right vs left bs.

And if it's not a shill thread it's because you're just uninformed and lazy. We are in a dark age that will become progressively darker, worse, more imprisoned, etc. It will probably not get better. The international Jewish elite is literally financial and physically enslaving us as cattle on farms to serve them, powerless dependent and unhealthy. It won't end without violence and a literal mass murder of every living Jew from the upper echelons. We are in the end of freedom as man has known it for Millenia. Read The International Jew by Henry Ford the creator of the car. I assume you've at least heard of cars.

Same here. I can't have a conversation with normies at college. My mind instantly goes to the things that I know I cannot say, even though I have normie tier conversations with right wingers.

While I am surrounded by like 13 housemates all the time, working from home and constant lockdown (amplified by not even being able to go to the gym because I am biosecure) have created a similar situation for me here.

Just got to rationalize, that the lockdowns effectively nullified the "social contract". We are at war now.

Learn skills and become a master at something which you can make money doing. If you are unvaccinated the list of professions has shrunk and will continue to. If you are vaccinated, you are just a worthless loser who cannot conceive of higher aims and ambitions whatsoever. You just sound like you don't understand the world. When you don't understand the world you become drained. Unknowns drain man's living energy. That's why you need to have a thirst for truth to keep out of depression. The other option is to cover your natural self and devolve into constant drug use. This can also help your depression but it will ruin you and you will be right back where you started if you stop, or dead

>I have lost the urge to talk to people

Lets keep it that way

Some people are unable (unwilling) to filter themselves. Theyd rather not say a word than be fake

this is how I am. I am obsessive and have determined that the biggest problem I have with modern culture/people is that no one is really genuine and everything they do is performative, so now that I am in the belly of the beast at university, I just dont speak because I know I cannot speak my mind or even explore ideas. sad.

how much is university

I dont pay anything with grants, but my apartment is 1k a month and I barely leave it and hate all the teachers and students, so im transferring to an online school in fall and traveling out of the country.