Imagine saying you're not upset about something and then proceeding to talk about that certain thing that doesn't upset...

Imagine saying you're not upset about something and then proceeding to talk about that certain thing that doesn't upset you for 15 whole minutes. Wouldn't be me no, absolutely not. This generation of men is fucked and is literally the generation of women men.

Attached: 0_Idubbbz.jpg (1200x900, 83.98K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Sup Sam?

Attached: 1643056997450.png (979x707, 93.55K)

He came off as really butthurt about Sam's copyright claim even though he kept telling Sam he wasn't mad. "You seriously don't remember? You were an asshole. Why would you do that?"

I wonder if Sam only revealed that the whole thing was a hoax because idubz was acting like such a fag.

Inform me on the latest happenings zoomers, I haven't watched Idubbbz in years

>take massive shit
>double king coiler
>girth = red bull can
>upset status = not upset
>exit bathroom
>proceed to talk about greatness for 15 minutes

He's a faggot now. Here are his wife's tits.

Attached: 1644132480917.jpg (768x1024, 142.94K)

i dunno who this lad is but i hate niggers too so we could be friends

Imagine letting ecelebs manipulate you like this lol.
It's all an act, ALL of it, to grift money/clicks/attention from you. Fucking idiot.

Attached: leaker.jpg (1109x1632, 1.03M)

dios mio

Idubbz tried to make a documentary about sam hyde.

Sam set up a fake office, had his friends pose as employees, rented a Slingshot trike and hired an actress to shave her head and play his druggie girlfriend. Sam was fucking with idubbz the entire time and he was too stupid to pick up on it. Idubz revealed that he was making the documentary trying to make Sam look like an asshole as revenge for a minor slight 7 years ago.

They were both in on it to signal boost eachother faggot. Sam is a jew faggot anyway.

Attached: kk.jpg (1324x706, 172.06K)

damn is that the negasonic teenage warhead?

Imagine being in a relationship with this
Sounds pretty lame. Both of these guys have to be in their 30's by now

It's not world-altering stuff but the documentary was pretty funny.

I’m just gonna leave this here

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It's over incels
Sam said the documentary was accurate and that he respects Ian. Cry all you want but these 2 men have moved on with their lives.

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Kek i never noticed the thanos before

Reminder that Sam pretended to be a white nationalist trad guy who spoke truth to SJW power using his comedy, and appeared to become a martyr for the things many of us believe in when he got cancelled.
Turns out he's
a) Not a white nationalist at all, he's some kind of weak ass lolbertarian. Hires trannies to work for him, is ok with their lifestyles in private.
b) There is a good chance that he's a Jew of some sort. Google "Fred Hyde marries Gans" and research the Gans surname, Id say there is more than 50% chance he's a Jew given his behavior/personality.
c) Degenerate, who talks about how much he hates pedos but uses his eceleb status to groom and fuck underage fan girls and do weird BDSM shit with them.
d) Pretends to be poor when he's pretty well off. He made millions off the crypto his fans donated to him, and even in his early years his rich dad supported him. I would say he's made more money on the path he took than if he would had tried to be liberal.
e) All round piece of shit of a person. Fucked over and alienated nearly everyone who helped make him famous. Especially Charls. Everyone that surrounds him now are naive zoomers that he has to pay. Even Nick only shows up in his podcasts/vids to get paid, doesn't speak to Sam outside that.

He's basically a shapeshifting sociopath and grifter, cunning enough to pull the wool over everyone's eyes here to earn their trust and loyalty, and now he uses that as a blanket to avoid all responsibility/criticism because he has an army of idiot sycophants brainwashed to defend his fake honor. He Jack Murphy before Jack Murphy.

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Imagine posting an e-celeb thread.

Idubbbz looks like a bigger bitch than he made leafy look like.

Bro thats complete bullshit. Everytime sam gets talked about all those bogus claims appear.

Attached: CFEF78FF-DB63-4DB6-8662-5BB2E8A42273.jpg (750x681, 233.07K)

Spamton is the name. Killing niggers is my game

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if they were bogus they'd be debunked by now.
nearly all that shit is either on record or backed by solid evidence
even videos have been made on it:

Attached: 1526731833225.jpg (1279x1131, 218.28K)


Oh yeah 100% real pedophile story. Its complwte bull And wholes are shining. Heck man if anaything u should go look at the farms thread on him.

> Its complwte bull
again, if it was you shills would be posting shit to the contrary, but that's not the case is it? Watch the vids and you'll see the picture they paint is pretty damning