WESTERN (Hispanic-Greco-Latin) MAN towers over the rest of the world in ways so large as to be almost inexpressible...

WESTERN (Hispanic-Greco-Latin) MAN towers over the rest of the world in ways so large as to be almost inexpressible (unless you're Hispanic, Hispanics are the masters of literature and linguistic articulation).

It's WESTERN (Hispanic-Greco-Latin) exploration, science, and conquest that have revealed the world itself. INFERIOR RACES (Anglos, Dutch, Germans, French, etc) committed (((genocides))) and (((stole))) lands. But the ROMAN and HISPANIC Empires made other peoples into their own.

INFERIOR RACES (Anglos, Dutch, Germans, French, etc) feel subject of WESTERN (Hispanic-Greco-Latin) BENEVOLENCE.

The charge of racism puzzles Hispanics, because Hispanics were never racist. Hispanics cannot fathom how much INFERIOR RACES (Anglos, Dutch, Germans, French, etc) hates their MAGNANIMOUS Empire. The Hispanic Empire united the world through the first globalization; something that many people are butthurt about.

The WESTERN (Hispanic-Greco-Latin) MAN presents an image of superiority even when he isn't conscious of it. Hispanics make a literary masterpiece EVERY DECADE. The rest of Europe has Harry Potter. This SUPERIORITY excites the PROTESTANTIZED ANGLOSAXON (((envy))), which created the (((black legend))).

Destroying WESTERN (Hispanic-Greco-Latin) CIVILIZATION is the inmost desire of the league of INFERIOR RACES (Anglos, Dutch, Germans, French, etc).

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>Inferior races beat us
What does that say about you?

Who do you value more? A castizo like me who embraces European values and culture or the eternal Anglo?

This is that autistic Palestine rape baby that copes as being the real white
Just ignore him

Mexicans pose the biggest threat to america and are lower than blacks. A beaner is what you get when you mix a spainiard and an American indian.

Geronimo was the most based Indian “I don’t remember how many mexicans I’ve killed”

>sage all fields

Fuck you wetback bitch

Geronimo spoke Spanish and was baptized

I'm an anglo... but Any Forums redpilled me on the black legend


The funny thing is anglos are 80% iberian. They are more spanish than México.

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Fuck you. A Spaniard and an Englishman are brothers. A spic is a non European subhuman that butchers the Spanish language. No more brother wars, next time we unite against the subhumans.

You are one of the monstrosities brought forth by the actions of the ancestors you have no ties to, yet glorify. Do the shifty looks of others towards your goblinoid form not tell you that something is wrong?


That any empire last forever and that the one with best tech uses to win,at least making D&C. To occuppy land you cant do that. You tried at Cuba and the sons of spanish born at Cuba made guerrilla warfare

*Broken english fag here,idk if thats understable kek

We run the world right now so what's your point?

God doesnt let me have sex

That it wont last forever and that you shouldnt have attacked Cuba in 1898. Now would be Canary island alike if it were spanish still.

English speaking colonies resulted in vastly superior countries than Spanish speaking colonies. Could this be because they never stopped exterminating the natives? This entire affair gives credit to racial theory that race mixing creates the untermensch prone to nihilism anarchism and bolshevism.

>It won't last forever
The typical Euro cope

Just look at history. In fact any empire last less. Spanish empire lasted centuries. English one, 1800 aprox to 1945.