I'm from the Future AMA

The Colin Kaepernick movie "American History Y" has just come out with a Rotton Tomatoes rating of MustWatchâ„¢ which means that if you haven't registered your social cryptocredits to watch this movie and shown your recievership of the film by giving a raised fist selfie saying "Black Lives Matter" into your phone camera, you must turn yourself into a good citizenship training facility within a month.

The George Floyd College of Social Justice has just released a pin of an early 21st century $20 note to commemorate his use of a counterfit note to show his brave criticism of the capitalist system.

White couples have been deemed illegal, when the genetic makeup of your child is recorded, if it is deemed with the code "2WYTE" the parents will incur an irremoveable 20% reduction in social cryptocredits.

Attached: ZomboMeme 06022022153432.jpg (920x518, 82.82K)

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>I'm from the Future
No you're not. You're an annoying incel playing pretend. Shut the fuck up.

Chemical war when. Provide details.


Incels were eradicated ever since the Democrat "LaShaWnDah" Bill of 2166 legally binding any white male over the age of 12 with a BLACK (it's all capitals now, by 2044 law) woman over the age of 18.

I actually like
The apt from 5th element. My issue with all the "hiding" furniture is that it doesnt save space plus the energy required.
I could easily live in such a space.

i know this is a larp but where is bitcoin at?

Post full genome sequence or GTFO

>ham-fisted "satire"
You took the time to come up with all that and it still sucked.

next time don't bother.

The Chemical war of 2019 began when a Government Mandated injection of an unknown substance was injected into 90% of western societies upon threat of... Well... You know, like, not being able to watch a movie at the cinema.

worst larp since Q

Did I get your mom pregnant last night?

Space saving is more important for the building owners (Blackrok) and their shareholders, the less actual liveable space a human occupies not only lowers their expectations and aspirations, but also reduces cleaning costs after the occupant inevitably dies by natural causes.

After 2099, all self inflicted fatal gunshot wounds are deemed "natural", suicidal tendencies is the only allowable psychological condition where it is legal to buy a gun.

Nice Fifth Element apartment



Stop replying to these threads unless they post FGS

The value of one Bitcoin is currently sitting at 1.01x of itself.

get out

All genomic sequencing has been outsourced to China, where instead of G T C and A it's been encoded based on flavour into D (dog) C (cat) R (rat) and B (bug)

It is now indecipherable, and deemed disinformative as skin colour has been proven by the Fauci medical association to be a better indicator of a they-dividual person's social virtue points.

Does the wife cook?

If you're BLACK I hope so, as it will increase my personal social crypto-budget by 300 Neet points.

However the local hatespeech radio channels do seem to claim that women with penises don't seem to be able to menstruate, which has a correlatory relationship with giving birth.

My father tells me about how he menstruated before he had me, twice.

Can I still drive a V8 in the future?

Is that Corbin Dallas's room?

Sir you understand that it is illegal to travel to 2018 to 2032.

Wives who cook are allowed to prepare meals as many times as they wish.

However if they prepare a meal more than twice a month they are penalised social cryptocredits.

Father's are legally mandated to cook a meal four times a month, with a possible reduction of once per month per vaccination, with a minimum mandatory vaccination every two months.

All other meals must be prepared by the Federal McDonalds Government center of nutrients and suppliments.

Children who do not have a meal consisting of 75% mealworms at least twelve times a week are considered nonvegan and therefore malnourished.

Milk is banned, as it saps your bones of calcium, as proven by Belle Gibson circa 2033.