Mass Mind Control

It always struck me how normies always ask if I believed that "Bill Gates put 5G microchips in the vaccine" whenever I express covid skepticism, how uniform this question was.

Recently I learned the phrase "psychological inoculation", an anti-misinformation strategy that involves introducing you to a weakened version of an argument. Is that what's going on here?

ITT discuss general mass mind control / applied behavioral science we've seen over the past few years

Attached: inoculation.png (733x509, 83.43K)

Other urls found in this thread: Aquino (US Satanist) - From PSYOP to MindWar - The Psychology of Victory (1980)_djvu.txt

psychological inoculation seems to be related to "prebunking"

DARPA has released a book that makes it clear that this is the intention.

They just took sock puppet accounts and bots and spammed social media with the 5g chip bullshit. Don't care enjoy your cancer you retards

what book bro?

"Nudge theory" is another one I learned recently

Bump. On a related note anyone know of any good books about modern mass psychological manipulation i.e. how media/government/etc. control the public?

Like all the shit which is pushed nowadays with governmental abuse of behavioral psychology, propaganda, etc.

Thanks fren
I learned about nudge theory from pic related

Attached: 412ynjC6C4L._SX342_SY445_QL70_ML2_.jpg (286x445, 15.65K)

from mind war to Psy war

>Is that what's going on here?
They are not talking about changing anons' minds. They are talking about anons' minds not changing normies' minds.

its called propaganda and is practised since 50.000 years

ooo shit never read that one but I know the author is Lieutenant Faggy Eyebrows

Attached: LTC_Michael_Aquino.jpg (800x837, 72.33K)

>i can, to an extent, control how you think and feeling by controlling your access to information
this isn't a new concept. look up how media organizations use this to their advantage. its pretty well documented

>when memes become reality

This is not really an applied behavior science tactic, but the "Motte and Bailey" argumentative tactic has become very popular along with gaslighting. The two often go hand in hand.

>from mind war to Psy war Aquino (US Satanist) - From PSYOP to MindWar - The Psychology of Victory (1980)_djvu.txt

This is literally an INB4

See i m not against that if you keep it factual.
But if i m very clever i would know that is something that was in its inceptions to do the doe.

>look up how media organizations use this to their advantage
Be more specific perhaps?

kek, well-put

In a way it is the zeitgeist and the circumstances. We cant defend against that, because the mass influence of idiots and people with vetted interests.
In a way it is like a rule 34.

As they say, many ways lead to rome.

There’s a follow up.
This might be it.
From no dear to engagement
It admits that freewill is the enemy and control of the actual mind is necessary

Minds of men by Arron and Melissa Dykes is an incredible documentary on the subject.

5g chips, drinking piss and bleach, horse paste, these are all attempts to poison the well, to discredit legitimate concerns about the vaccine in much the same way flat earthers ruin any actual discussion of the political aspects of space.

>Strategic Communication
Thanks user. Always nice to learn a new term of art, lots of promising google results from this phrase

Don’t forget FUNVAX

it is also easier to have a "if you're not 100% aligned with me you're against me" mentality. i'm not a skeptic but i didn't take it, and they would try the same thing on me

there is no point in discussing anything with those people, specially if you can see through what they are saying