There are no side effects from circumcision

There are no side effects from circumcision.

There is no evidence to suggest there is Side effects to circumcision.

The anti circumcision campaign is a pysop conducted by Chinese and Russian troll farms.

Please just get circumcised.

I'm fully circumcised.

My ENTIRE family and in laws are fully circumcised, including my 12 year old cousin and 16 year old sister.

No one has had any side effects, we are healthier than ever.

It's safe to say the anti circumcision agenda is a disinformation pysop campaign conducted by Russian and Chinese troll farms (both of which have majority of their populations circumcised)

Attached: fully circumcised.jpg (720x416, 16.37K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Baste. Cirumcsise all females jsut because I hate them.

>My ENTIRE family and in laws are fully circumcised, including my 12 year old cousin and 16 year old sister.
The religious indoctrination of Judaism makes you feel feelings when there are none, kike

fuck off trap, you need two circumcisions then a boosted chop chop

Enjoy your tiny cutdick, edomite boy.

Only poor people and abos are against circumcision. White people are overwhelmingly circumcised due to their higher cognition and pro social attitudes.
If you are uncircumcised you are now a statistical brown person.
I am fully circumcized both on the Penis and Rectum. It's been two weeks since my fourth cut on my Vagina and I am not dead, nor do I have any health issues
I pray for the uncircumcised every night. I hope god answers my prayers.
It's game over for the uncircumcised. You will never be treated as equal human beings again. You will never be as free as the circumcized. You will never have the same opportunities open to you as the circumcized. You will always be a second class citizen and looked down upon by the majority of people who aren't conspiracy theorist fools. The sooner you die off the sooner the rest of us can move on with a civilized and humane society. Who is with me?
Getting circumcised is only absurd to your brainwashed mind.
Most people have no problem with it. I've been getting a booster cut every year without issues for over a decade now. I'm not afraid of a doctor's scalpel. Who is with me?

now this is Ian posting

Attached: Foregen.png (905x277, 60K)

Attached: circumcision.jpg (612x960, 128.62K)

the jew takes from you right out of the womb

No thanks Rabbi!

what do you guys got goin on down on roo-ville?

Why do you think we all call each other cunts? The Uranium in the outback made everyone hermaphrodites.

It is Genital mutilation.
That is all.

>not mutilating your sons is russian propaganda

You kikes aren't getting my sons' foreskins. I brought them into this world with the promise of protecting them from filth like you.

Attached: 1643589871399.jpg (792x804, 84.81K)

Learning the truth about the foreskin eaters splits your life into a before and after.

Attached: D7772088-440A-449C-B3B2-D5849365BA42.jpg (1024x576, 56.52K)


>going on the internet and telling lies
Moot was right

>cut OP's head off
There are no side effects
>win for everyone

Attached: OP.webm (362x640, 448.64K)

Your cock is an inch shorter. Women run the other way (to me). Thanks user