Globohomo will not be defeated by "patriots"

It will be defeated by your country's hooligans. They're the only ones with balls, not the cringe faggots waving flags and holding stupid signs.

Redpill your local troublemakers and miscreants. Get them interested in politics.

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You're fucking retarded

Checked for truth.

Cold civil war. Patriots turn into hooligans.

You statement is inncorrect. Please recalculate.

You first.
Jesus Christ, think it through.

The faggots who call themselves "patriots" now aren't patriots. They're faggots. You're better off with a coalition of White felons.

Wow! Surprisingly based!

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Explain to me how I am wrong.

Is it going to be some Q-boomer or Groyper zoomer that saves the day?

No. It will be men who are just pissed off with how gay the world is. They will likely not even know much about politics.

Interesting. I didn't know this was a quote. I said something similar to my buddy during a couple drinks.

Exactly right. I used to have this argument on old/pol/ with third-positioners who thought skins and the like ruined optics. Who do you faggots think the SA or dirge dirlewanger SS were?

Correct. I'm glad some of us on here see things this way.

Masculine energy with a not giving a fuck attitude is what wins.

American Revolution included. They would call the modern "resistance" a bunch of useless pansies. And they'd be right.

Sure we need bright minds at the top, but they need to be on the hooligan-side as well. And the lower rungs can be straight criminals as long as their actions move the ball forward.

Full quote:

The superior individual, whether in politics, literature, science, commerce or industry, plays a large role in shaping a nation, but so do individuals at the other extreme—the failures, misfits, outcasts, criminals, and all those who have lost their footing, or never had one, in the ranks of respectable humanity. The game of history is usually played by the best and the worst over the heads of the majority in the middle.

The reason that the inferior elements of a nation can exert a marked influence on its course is that they are wholly without reverence toward the present. They see their lives and the present as spoiled beyond remedy and they are ready to waste and wreck both: hence their recklessness and their will to chaos and anarchy. They also crave to dissolve their spoiled, meaningless selves in some soul-stirring spectacular communal undertaking—hence their proclivity for united action. Thus they are among the early recruits of revolutions, mass migrations and of religious, racial and chauvinist movements, and they imprint their mark upon these upheavals and movements which shape a nation’s character and history.

So very well put. Thanks for taking the time to provide this, user.

Patriots have become criminals now thanks to executive orders.

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I have three copies of that book. Read it half a dozen times. It has the full fucking scientific breakdown of mass movements.
It was written by a longshoreman who read a fuck-ton, not an academic.


What patriots?

Waving flags? Holding signs? Singing songs at school board meetings about being anti-vax?

Fucking gay. The nearest thing was the Michigan shit, and that got disregarded as a fed plot.

The right-wing is full of cucks besides a small fringe minority who feels demoralized, pissed, and depressed about the cuckery.

When you read it, you will fully understand "Anonymous".
Should be mandatory /pol reading.

I added it to my reading list, and I will be checking it out.

>Those who see their lives as spoiled and wasted crave equality and fraternity more than they do freedom. If they clamor for freedom, it is but freedom to establish equality and uniformity. The passion for equality is partly a passion for anonymity: to be one thread of the many which make up a tunic; one thread not distinguishable from the others. No one can then point us out, measure us against others and expose our inferiority.

Back enough youth to the wall and they'll become lawbreakers. Millennials and boomers are a lost cause. Gen Z and beyond may have a chance to become the lawbreaker generation if enough of them get banished from public systems via purity spiral.


What troons?

Dilating? Sperging? Singing songs at schoold board meetings about taking boosters?

Hecking great. The nearest thing was Ram Ranch, and that included 18 throbbing cocks.

The troons are a fringe minority looking to expand by recruiting ambitious young people, who are mentally sound, happy, and stoned beyond imagination.