Why do those the world want Europeans to be genocided?

What have we done?
What have I done?
I've never effect the world in anyway shape or form.
Why are they importing immigrants into Europe with the intention of replacing us?
Why do they support and cover up incidents were browns kill Europeans in Europe while calling us racist for talking about it?
This is sad and its sick, I have no desire to genocide other races or people but they want to genocide mine.

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We are too intelligent to be their slaves.

They want a new human without identity who is smart enough to work but too dump to understand

They're assblasted they weren't made in the image of God but are the descendants of the serpent and have the curse of deicide on their heads.
What's ironic is that I'm pretty sure salvation is available for them as well, if they'd only repent, stop their sinning and accepted Christ as their saviour.

The fact you haven't figured it out by now makes you a nonce.
'White people' are as evolved as humans are ever going to get. We're it. There's nothing past this except mixing, cyborgs, or extinction.
Non-whites are primitive even by modern comparisons, as the people who still live in the places of antiquity never left due to comfort and familiarity; which is failure on the Grand Scale.
Man is meant to explore, adventure, learn and communicate in order to better himself and others. If others don't want to follow our lead, leave them.
However, since the non-white population is so dense word got around that we're getting close to 'somthing'. And thy are correct.
Whether or not we take them with is up to them, not us.

Looks like there will be ample headroom on this flight. You can't threaten your evolutionary superiors with slow and insidious death and then expect them to treat you as an equal.
If the gods have any opinions to the contrary, they know where to find me. We can discuss things over a cup of darjeeling.

No one wants to genocide you. Everything that's happening to your people is because of your own actions and philosophy. You westerners chose Enlightenment modernity and comfort over religion. It's happening to every other race too on a smaller level. You got "modernised".

Because you are good blinds you to the prospect of others being completely evil in all thier thoughts and works.

We are though.

Is that why they encouraging mix racing?

Because they want the people they rule to be mixed race and have no identity so they can continue being there work slaves?

Who are they?
Are they they the Jews or is it not a Jewish thing?

So why diversity in Europe and other western countries only?

We found the key to the shackles of superstition.


The Jewish plan is to make a new human with no identity
No race/ people identity
No religious identity
No political identity
No sexual identity

A human that only differs in one thing from each other: Their bank account.
With this their absolutely controllable by the banks. And we all know who owns the banks

This unitaryhuman is intelligent enough to work but too dump to understand.
To get to this new human all races need to mix up.

The white race is a threat to this plan, because they are the only ones that are intelligent enough to see this plan.


Jews have always viscerally hated us because of our beauty.
Their religion is all about how we are the first born (Esau), while they are the second-born (Israel) that steals our birthright through subterfuge.
They have declared war on us in their religious texts.

We don't. We want you to go back to your own country and live with your own people and government, and we will do the same. End the American empire and we can have peace.

>End the American empire and we can have peace.
Russia is controlled by jews as well.
As is most of Europe.
I hope we can ally with chinese people against jewry.

This is disgusting that they would do such thing.

I don't know but this seems really evil and way more worst than anything in fiction and it's a scary thought.

I don't want to lose my ethnic identity

I'm not an American and I don't live anywere but my own country in England.

All because of some ancient script?

We should destroy that ancient script.

The Edomites are long dead.

So if they do believe in that they are wrong and foolish.

Revenge for colonialism. If the perpetrators (your ancestors who colonized the world) already in graves then all the descendants must pay the price (means all whites living in present time). No debts will go unpaid, no matter how long it takes, all debts must be paid.
The muttifications of white race, the erosion of white identity, the humiliation of white people, the destruction of white homeland will be the karmic revenge for all the atrocities done by their vile ancestors.
>inb4 it's the jews
White Europeans are the ONLY race that serves, idolize Jews. Jews can only live freely in European nations. The irefutable facts that Jews are still freelt reign in Thr West is the proof that Jews are white.