We can't have nice things

because of you chuds

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So you mean its habbo hotel again and you can troll people with groups, makw blocking swatzikas and close pools due to aids?

Oh deary i wonder what we do with this

it looks like THAT?!?

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>virtual groping

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What does Mike Patton have to do with this?

Dude I don't know what metaverse is and don't give a fuck either.
People who opt in to use some VR gay space deserve what they fucking get


why arent we sending women who claim to have been virtually 'raped' to mental institutions anymore?

I would mind breaking that buck if you know what i mean.

Fucking. I want to grope and fuck her.

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The metaverse is the stupidest bullshit around. It’s a gimmick that will never catch on. People might want to try it once but will not keep using it. No one is going to wear vr goggles 24/7. Stop being a lazy nigger and get out in the real world

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>because of you chuds
because of reddit mods?

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>I don't know what
It's a place of 24/7 propaganda

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cool now you can block off areas with less people and have a greater area of impact.


i read thorny as "horny"

>Virtual gropjng
>Rape in cyber space
I don't know how these people can make articles like this in all seriousness, it's hilarious.

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Everywhere I go........

This thread is sponsored by president Biden. Keep em' coming.

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>this is the reality goyim will be forced to live in

most of normies are looking for a escape.. cuckverse is the new MMORPG.

Been groping people in VRChat for years and gotten only laughing reactions and a few wtfs.
What a bunch of pussies.
Technology needs gatekeeping.
Normies can't even handle smartphones, the last thing they need is a virtual world.

This looks so retarded. VRChat is infinitely better. Hell, SecondLife 15 years ago looked better.

You sound like boomers did pre-internet.
Any time large groups of people say "it'll never catch on" is when I load up on shares.
VR has shit loads of possibilities. The tech is already at a point you can actually live in VR.
Most weebs here already live in their bedroom 24/7, some are bad enough to keep piss jugs and have food delivered at all times anyways. A nice virtual environment to hide their disgusting reality isn't a stretch at all.
It's the future regardless of how you feel about it.

>SecondLife 15 years ago
The virtual world hype was huge

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