Super AIDS Variant

New HIV super-strain is found in the Netherlands: Highly infectious variant makes people ill twice as quickly and has been spotted in at least 109 people.

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stop having unprotected buttsex

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Coincidentally and completely unrelated all of them have been vaxxed.

I bet they're all gay too.

Sodomites on suicide watch.

God please kill off the vaxxed an enable the Georgia guide stones already

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Dire AIDS. It's like regular AIDS, only Dire.

ahh shit her we go again.

>Don't shoot heroin
>Don't let men fuck me in the ass
Why should I care about HIV?

I'm not a nigger faggot

a new infectious disease has been identified after the public realise Omnicron isnt all too dangerous and the booster jabs are unnessicary? wow what a coincidence

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GRIDS is back on the menu, boys!

It’s been around since the 90s, people infected with this strain have higher viral loads and develop AIDS quicker, provided no medication. Current HIV medications and PreP are as effective in treatment as other less viral strains.

Kys op fearmonger

Sorry kangaroo user but your not part of the 500 million...

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If true, it's not surprising that the most degenerate country in Europe is where it would happen

jokes on them im not a faggot

The covid vaxx damages the immune system andweakens a person's ability to fight everyday infections and disease faster than previous versions of the virus.

I'm seeing the number 109 a lot lately in shit like this

Good morning operative

Wow it’s almost like they don’t want people to breed to reduce the population or something?? Amirite?

It's actually COVID, but the vaxx breeds COVID

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