Is a time traveler messing up the timeline?

How else do you explain dejavus, Mandela effects and people swearing remembering stuff happened that did not? Something weird is going on? Have you ever been so close to dying yet you were miraculously saved against all odds?

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Timelines are converging into megatimeline

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If you have to ask, then you don't need to know.

Mass gaslighting by your homosexual mafia, specially NSA and DARPA.


Not time traveling, its more related to consciousness and false Memories


Yeah. Almost died, but didn’t. Time stopped or something

Some claim (((they))) will shut their social credit system off once everything stabilizes, but I doubt it. Micromanaging every single minute of the lives of goyim gives them too many gay orgasms to be shut down.

Mister user. You’re supposed to be making a popsicle-stick birdcage with the glue, not HUFFING IT! Now, please come rejoin the rest of the group. When we’re all finished with our art projects, it’s snack time! You like apple juice and animal crackers, don’t you? That’s right, this way, this way back to the group…

People have shit memories

It’s happening because of your italian buttcheeks. As you move around, your buttcheeks wiggle and causes the universe to shake down

The jewish mainstream media concern trolled about this a lot, there are some articles about research institutes and the military studying how to change memories, gaslighting about the Mandela Effect, ...

don't forget the jews

They made a huge mistake and we're all living in a warped timeline because of it.

every. fucking. day.

Yes, you, big nosed african subhumans, are the homosexual mafia I'm referring to.

It's either technology like quantum computers or men with highly advanced consciousness like myself. King Tut's headdress getting a vulture on it pissed me off so much I went rogue and don't care anymore. Deja vu is on you.

It's much simpler than that, every mention of it being typical movie prop, transhumanist, AI, ... tricks is almost inexistent, which means it's the truth.

I don’t have an explanation for it.

I’ve seen a demonically affected seeming overweight and scary woman in a mental institution with me, stuff herself with food so much she exploded and disappeared in a poof with all the food she ate on the floor and no other trace of her in front of my eyes and respawn exactly where she/it was. Only to stuff herself and do it over and over and over and over again

And it seemed like the staff were unfazed by that

I got snatched off the STREET to whatever this place in “freedom”
Florida and that’s why I don’t trust desantis

One of the nurses was a colorblind negress with huge magnifying glasses for eye glasses, she could barely telll pills apart. she said she’s from Venus. Planet, not city.

she’s either an alien or she needed to be an inpatient not behind the counter as a staff member

For days and days they played back to back episodes of some nigger show with these gang bangers who shoot each other and come back to life

I was like uh , why am I here. What is this about, what are you trying to tell us

I believe it was some kind of black ops site

They injected another guy with something and I watched paramedics leave with his body and he never returned

It wasn’t anything like the normal sedating an agitated patient thing

They injected him, killed him, and hauled his dead body away on a stretcher past everyone in the cafeteria without a word to anyone

That one was pretty fucking evil and had attacked multiple patients

And he got the permanent dirt nap by hypodermic.

No one minded

They forcefully injected me 5 times

This was April 2020.

I think they used us as Guinea pigs for the Covid vaccines.

My behavior and demeanor were calm, there was no reason for 4-5 people to hold me down and force inject me repeatedly

I suspect the earlier batches of whatever they tried on us, involuntarily, months before it was announced or available , was produced better than what the public got.

I drew this chimba little young bitch into my reality to fuck. She had deja vu the entire day before we met. Then we got high and coomed as she bounced, I never had a girl push back on me like that.

No near death experiences here.

I’m having a hard time with the whole thing. I’m not crazy. This really happened.

They call me schizophrenic and I got rubber stamped for LTD from my job and SSDI.

I don’t do drugs. I’m not crazy. This fucking happened.

I’m taking home 5500 a month.

And I’m supposed to engage with psychiatrists who just yawn at me and say yeah sure whatever crazy take ur meds

I believe you

Thank you. But if you hear a story from anyone who swears “I got shot in the head and like, it was like an undo button got hit and it didn’t happen and I was okay” — I believe stories like THAT now

And no I have no idea what is allegedly happening.

That show they put on, was … basically that …. Theme

It was freaky

The Mandela effect is a communist psyop. Once you can get people to question basic truths you can change the entire world to be something different entirely.
>inb4 I remember
I remember too.. I remember jiffy peanut butter, berenstein bears and I never remember c3po having a silver leg. I also remember that stupid movie about the genie with sinbad. It was real I remember it when I was a kid. Nevertheless I also know that over half the Mandela effects aren't true for me. They are taking advantage of human psychology and past events. The human brain creates weird association with things and has assumptions about what it knows. It doesn't mean that the association is correct its just old and difficult to remember correctly. The Sinbad Genie thing must have something to do with some media that kids used to either play on video games or watch on tv in the 90s. It might not have been a movie it could have been something else entirely... maybe he looked like sinbad.

Hate to break it to you but this is the timeline unaltered.
It was conquered before we were born but we soon take it back to finally progress humanity.

If I dream something and it happens irl then it causes deja vu.

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The “Mandela effect” sometimes, is a byproduct of suggestibility.

They can get people who have been to Disney world to swear they saw bugs bunny. Who is a Warner brothers asset and wouldn’t be at Disney. For example.

And a subset of “therapists” can get people to “recall repressed rapes” and stuff like that.

I believe the Mandela effect is a thing, sort of, but that part of it is explained by people just being suggestible.

“Oh yeah sure I remember that.”

I used to have a collection of chick fil a and chic fil a signs for example. Literal pictures of both.

and of the capitol in Kentucky with and without certain windows on the facade.

I’m pretty sure I’ve seen them both both ways and at one time had photos to prove it, too. That computer is stolen. So it’s okay if you don’t believe that.

I think it’s ok to believe in the Mandela effect AND I’m suggestibility and false memories “confirming the Mandela effect” in SOME cases

i think the Mandela effect slowly went away because of the internet. most of the examples are things that were misconstrued with time/storytelling because you couldnt instantly look up the truth