Would you become a leftist if they were pro-life and promoted Christian values?

Would you become a leftist if they were pro-life and promoted Christian values?

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Christians love jews and niggers.

fuck christian values, it promotes loving niggers

Leftist views are childish thats why young People are lefties.

>ideology already promotes more people
>Christian values are jewish values
>jewish values are communist values
>which indicates commies are christian, and vice versa
Too easy.

Pro-life "leftists" may be "leftists" but they are NOT Marxists or materialists. Dialectical materialism doesn't say life begins at conception, it holds that the mother decides if the fetus is a person or not because the fetus is in relation to her and her body.

The people in OP's pic are probably centrist Democrats misappropriating an anarchist punk rock aesthetic.

I hate the left because of the hypocrisy and hatred of freedom. During the pandemic they tried making it illegal for me to work twice. The 2nd attempy got shut down by the supreme court. They are actively trying to illegalize guns and free speech. This is just policy. Aside from policy, I've dealt with nonstop lying from the left and constant villainization.

No such thing.

This is the agenda commies had for America in 1932.

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Its a start but lets talk about those aesthetics
they need work, your attire screams depression

They promote christian values

>hold your buttcheeks
>dont say the S word (sex)
>believe in god science
>confess your sin

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No I like being free. I don't want christian or atheist socialism.

no because im a one issue voter. abolish womens rights

that's all well and good but then relying on the state to have those values enforced is just going to fall apart, relying on the state is a Faustian pact, always

You might want to look at what the CPUSA actually proposed for America. They were NOT "outside agitators" or "foreign agents" but principled activists who loved the American people dearly. Foster was the furthest thing from a villain, and the anti-religious sentiment almost certainly came from the fact that religious institutions in America had overwhelmingly been hostile to the labor movement. All of that resentment was no doubt carried over when Foster became chairman of the CPUSA.


I remember these kinds of people when I was a teenager in the mid-2000s. I call them "punk rock Democrats" since they love stealing their aesthetics from anarchist and communist subcultures but promote a typical garden-variety progressive political view. Squad fans LARPing as anarchists, basically.

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Fuck off caleb. No one cares about your insincere pseudopatriotism.

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Why? Anything leftism can do the Gospel can do better.

I'm not Caleb.

The Bible doesn't have the scientific analysis of Marxism. It relies on moralism to critique the behaviors of the rich, not the economy itself.

Maybe if they were Calvinists. I believe the relight is just anti degeneracy pro family

its simple fag i want to be left the fuck alone. can ya do that? no? then lets get you killed then.

I don't care if you are caleb or one of his discord bitches. No amount of entryism here is going to work. It's annoying to watch you fags come here and pretend that marxism-leninist and the right-wing have any goals in common.

Try again.

I'm not doing entryism. I'm educating.


Depends on which kind of right wing. libertarian right or natsoc right

Everyone here should support abortion

Are these Jews just demons in disguises?

Lying through your teeth isn't "education" you tremendous queer. This isn't the first time your kind has tried entryism here and it always fails because no-one is dumb enough to believe that the same people who praise the Soviet Union for dekulakization and decossackization are actually on their side.

The vague right that is not socialist or revolutionary.

so. more libertarian and less natsoc. I agree. They are polar opposite. Individual liberty vs collectivist tyranny.

It should be a known FACT that the ideological predecessors of Antifa (anarcho-syndicalists) were the first ones to push for mass abortion and contraception as part of plan to destroy capitalism through destroying the birthrate. This call for a "birth strike" was carried over to the American communist party and the ACLU.

>[P]rocreation under capitalism was an abomination since it prolonged the system by creating more “wage slaves”for capitalist bosses. In their view no one should have any children under capitalism. The agenda was to have working-class women drastically reduce the number of births via contraception and abortion. The lower birthrates would dry up the pool of labor, which would then ensure imminent crisis for capitalism and imperialism. This applied the syndicalist call for a massive general strike to the realm of childbearing.

>They erroneously believed this strategy would empower working-class women and the working class as a whole. Women would supposedly be “freed” from household labor. Workers’ wages would supposedly increase as the birthrate shrunk, since the absence of a reserve army of labor would force capitalist bosses to give into workers’ demands. Deliberately reducing the population would also give workers bargaining power with the State, these anarchists alleged.

This is because the left is inherently satanic. Unlike God, Satan cannot create, he can only destroy. This causes Satan to become deeply jealous of God, and as such Satan seeks to destroy all that God has created. The left likewise cannot create, it can only destroy, and seeks to tear down and annihilate everything which Western Civilization and free markets have made.

This is precisely why communists seek to destroy the family. Leftists hate everything beautiful and fertile.

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I agree.

There's a ton of misinformation about communism on here. Of fucking course I want to educate.

>Would I become a leftist if they adopted our positions

I have my own qualms with libertarianism. "Collectivism" is a worthless buzzword to get people isolated and atomized. Family, ethnicity, race, country, they are the things that build civilization.

The only misinformation about communism comes from you. Everyone else recognizes it for the poison it is.