The irony

The irony

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nobody gives a shit about china.

we need to be archiving all the times The Rock said "tranny"

Kek is here but where are the lads?

Chinks and niggers deserve to be criticized.

he also said he wants to build 'a pedophile robot to molest kids'

Nice link stupid nigger

You people are kikes

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Everyone who watched wrestling in '99 knows guys like Rock said plenty of "racist" and "sexist" shit themselves
I mean, Rock is one of the legit sexual harassers in the WWE because whenever he's live he shoots on female wrestlers as wanting to fuck him

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inb4 some negress comments "you cant be racist to chinese people. asians are white-adjacent"

Tri ps checked

"The Rock" is a character played by Dwayne Johnson, it's not the same.

hes a mexican nigger rape baby from hawiia. what do you expect. i dont care if he did a chinese impression. given the nature of his lineage i think you have to expect a outburst at some point

It's the same. He's introduced as "The Rock", even in movie trailers. He also 'starred' in Pain & Gain, a movie created almost entirely to mock God.

>biggest dystopia in the world names the jews

>"The Rock" is a character played by Dwayne Johnson, it's not the same.
You mean like how Alex Jones is played by Bill Hicks?

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Anybody that defends the globohomo needs to be minecrafted

"The Nigger Hater" is a character that I play quite often

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Fucking memefaggot chink posting everywhere

His fame is derived from selling his soul.

link? I love a good chinese impression

Solar flare can't come soon enough.

Social media was a mistake.

If people dig long enough in a celebrity's closet they'll find edgy and "discriminatory" jokes of every one of them. Though they sidestep it, say they've "evolved" and move on if they're a valuable piece to the jewish overlords' plan. Look at Kimmel for years going on kike diatribes on his show about evil white men when for years prior he was doing The Man Show sexually harassing random women on the street.
Anyway. Comedy is dead and jews killed it.

Jack sparrow IS johnny depp

All these moral fags. So tiresome.

>Create alter-ego
>Be as racist, sexist, antisemitic and bigoted you want
>"It was not me, it was my alter-ego"
Huh. Didn't know it was this easy. From now on I will introduce myself as The Cock and be free from all consequences