Holly shit didn't know Cenk was so based

Holly shit didn't know Cenk was so based


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Im black and i finding it hot af when Ana says it


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wow where’s the outrage about this guy from the left?
or does it only apply to joe rogan


Have a bump.


damn chunky yogurt must be sweating over all this

And the shills are already on the case.

it's so difficult to hear the word nigger. I said nigger one time back in '88 and so far in 2022 I've said it 31415926 times.

Turks aren't white

That is the video that Joe Roagan should have answered with. Just tweet it. Trump would have done that. Trump knew you had to fight back. Joe doesnt.

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If people just said it constantly we wouldn't be in this mess

Lol.. how was this not put together when he was running for office

so niggers do tongue my anus,

It only applies to enemies. It's that simple.

Its a fucking war. trump was the only one in the last decades who got that. That is why he was so succesful.

What and where is Nigger head ranch... is that the old Ed Buck estate?

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>literal turkroach incel

Dave Rubin made a joke that Chunk Yogurt is a closet homo.

Are you implying Dave Rubin is straight?

No, it's just that Chunk has some weird political quirks due to his Turkishness, even though he claims to be a progressive,

Chink wigger isn't gonna get canceled for this because he has his own platform, which I totally recommend for Rogan. That way he can say nigger all he wants and nobody can do anything

He is just an anti-white turkroach. Thats the reason why most minrities are left. Even the muslims in Europe. They dont give a fuck about actualy leftist policies.

Joe should've never apologized in the first place. He should've listened to Alex.

People just now realizing Turks are the most racist and homophobic people on the planet?

its okay when the left does it

His podcast will lose its edge because he now ca not pretend to be himself anymore. He has cucked. He should have just not given a fuck or hit back by tweeting a video like in OP.