He was a fucking puppet all along, you fucking faggots were wrong

He was a fucking puppet all along, you fucking faggots were wrong

Attached: 8823EF15-1869-407F-BF3B-281EB4B50330.jpg (295x600, 96.78K)

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smoking gun...

So the jews were the nazis all along. not surprising at all.

They got the largest single hostage payment in history retard. I'd hand over one kike for millions in payment too.

>the nazis extorted millions from the allies for the price of one kike, this proves they were kikes

You mean the king of England was a Rothschild puppet? We knew.

>world leaders literally crying just because hitler arrested a jew
How did people not notice anything wrong with this wtf?

What all the black sun and pagan shit wasn't a clue?
How about the incest, or maybe the meth use?
They are all occultists. They all take orders from the fallen.

meds, now

Does someone have that wiki screenshot about Israel and 9/11, the one where they can out specific people involved?

This. What this proves is that the Allied world leaders were the goodest of goys, paying millions and screeching to save this one fucking kike.

>guy who was illegitimate grandchild of an rothschild was actually just a puppet
noooo wtf!!

>publicly attack international jews
>international jews run away to one of their many international villas
>the few captured pay out large ransoms to be freed
>ramp things up, invade Poland
>kill all the working-class jews rooted to their local businesses and homes
Nazis literally created the International Jew by completely retarded and counter-productive dysgenic policy

That is a Jewish lie that was debunked 50 years ago.

>Grandchild of rothschild
no, he wasn't
>don't you see, by imprisoning him, ransoming him for millions and confiscating all of his stuff, they PROVED they were puppets

>created the International Jew
They already were a thing you faggot shill.

>the international jew didn't exist before the Nazis
American education at its finest.

reminder all memeflags are kikes until proven otherwise

>1 post by this ID
>no argument
>hello fellow nationalists, we sure hate this Hitler guy don't we? ok bye!
imagine my shock

Learn 2 read. Nazis killed all the domestic Jews which made the International Jewish percentage all that much higher. It's like when you use the wrong dosage of antibiotics, killing only the weakest bacteria and letting the stronger ones gain resistance.

I envy your simple mind.


>be one of richest rothschilds in world
>fight in ww2, get caught
>go to PoW camp
>live free another 70 years
nothing suspicious here goy, don't worry about it!

So what you're saying is the nazis weren't actually genociding all of the jews? Yes, everyone knows that. How exactly does that prove they were "jewish puppets"? By that logic aren't you a jewish puppet since you haven't genocided the jews yet?

>have most important asset in world finance in your hands
>let him go for a few million dollars
genius move from not-a-puppet adolphe jacob hitler

Wasn't that the one with the all time record for ransom paid?
Our Fuhrer outjewed the Jew

the domestic kikes were less than 10 percent of the overall kikedom.
And you capitalizing jews isnt going unnoticed little kike shil.
Kikes have always been international criminals.

They were going after small-fry while letting their Rothschild masters off.

Nazis were trying to avoid a war with the anglos since day 1. If he killed a Rothschild, his anglo lapdogs would attack him immediately.

>one of the little kikes sitting on the pile of real assets is acktually the most important asset!
No, that's retarded

Attached: 2f1.jpg (962x1064, 148K)

>kill a hundred million white people in deadliest war in history
>get your hands on only persons that actually matter and let ever single one survive
BASED nazis!

Meme. Flag. Dont. Care

Attached: 1643961358672.jpg (821x1024, 241.5K)

>They were going after small-fry while letting their Rothschild masters off.
They literally confiscated all of his shit and then ransomed him for the largest individual amount in history. Are you some kind of retard? How is that "letting him off"?
If I come to your house, take all of your shit, and then sell your wife back to you for millions of dollars, how exactly am I your puppet?

Attached: 1642233256073.png (491x491, 284.66K)

>he's just the head of the austrian branch bro, he's bascally a nobody! let him go free while we kill another million white europeans!
4d chess from the BASED nazis!

>all of his shit
All of his shit in Germany you mean, which probably represented 0.1% of actual Rothschild wealth

>largest individual amount in history
funny you don't say the actual dollar amount, because it was fucking nothing

Big noses, jewish last names, freemason handshakes, use of jewish occultism and funding…

>kill a hundred million white people in deadliest war in history
(1) not that many people in total died
(2) Britain and France declared on Germany, stop blaming the victim

>get your hands on only persons that actually matter
Their empire mattered, they were just some kikes that inherited it. The nazis nationalized all of their assets that they could and ransomed them off. I'd have done the same thing. Nobody is buying your bullshit strawman that unless you personally rip the heads off of every kike you're a kike puppet. Your shill ignorance is showing, you believe the bullshit propaganda that we are all psychopathic mass murderers.

>let every single one survive
They didn't, do some basic research before posting retard.

>he's just a nobody let him walk free
they didn't, they ransomed him

>(2) Britain and France declared on Germany, stop blaming the victim
After Hitler, working with Stalin, invaded Christian Poland.

>you mean all of his shit that they had control over
yes, obviously? Were you under the impression that I believed they seized his American villas?
> 0.1% of actual Rothschild wealth

>They didn't, do some basic research before posting retard.
yes they did, no rothschild who mattered died in ww2

for a token amount