Is it actually even possible to protest the regime in a liberal democracy?

It's the same pattern every time. Any protest that isn't favored by the neoliberal establishment gets 1) bans from all platforms we need in daily life, 2) dehumanized by the entire media and corporate pop culture establishment, and finally 3) attrition'd to death by a simultaneous barrage of lawsuits from the private/NGO/billionaire hand of the regime. Sometimes even mass indefinite imprisonment without trial as happened with the jan 6 grannies.

You can't even communicate and organize in a liberal democracy. Consider the technologies.
- platforms are out (outright bans + it's stupid / they can read your private comm)
- Signal is promoted by Jack and the neolib order which means it's fully compromised
- VPNs are all compromised, last holdout I heard of was years ago
- Tor is compromised because single gov entities have set up huge node swarms which means your IP is statistically likelier to be revealed every second you spend on it -

This all means that the entrenched elite and their demented WEF spacesuit ideology can't be replaced and they're taking us to hell in a handbasket. They aren't even smart. They fill their ranks from the reversion to the mean rich failson progeny and their corrupt friends. Their answer to any problem is always the most brutish and dumb one - also because they are aware of their now total power and the impossibility of dislodging it.

Add your views and ideas, but don't fedpost.

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I should have capitalized the term Liberal Democracy ofc

The only solution unironically is just to be ungovernable. If the establishment is gonna go this far, then those making the decisions are to be targeted in a very harsh manner.

no.. the way you defeat this regime is by ignoring it and by leting it collapse. if the people on the right just give up stopped working stoped showing up and started acting in parael society it would collapse in weeks

You learned something, be happy about that

You need to back that parallel society with a threat of force, otherwise the state will just roll over the people, and or figure out ways to shut you out entirely.

Peaceful protests are useless. I'd argue that the only form of vaguely peaceful protest that is anywhere close to being effective is economic protest, in which productive members of the economy stop taking fiat and start taking goods in exchange for their products. Provided, of course, they are ready to open fire on the feds rolling in for crackdown. In this case, inflation is sure to end any state, along with its army, which is paid in fiat.

Peaceful protests are always actually threats of future violence

I don't mean litlar independence from the system. i mean ignoring it doing your own things.

power of the powerless from Vaclav Havel could give you idea what i mean by it . .. the similiatry betwen the current western situation and the late communism phase here is striking.

No even just doing your own things, the establishment WANTS the people in THEIR system, under THEIR control. So to actually be able to do things without them intruding does require the threat of force.

of course it wants them trapped in the system.. thats the point. by trapping people in system they themself become the system. Just read power of the powerless it is not waste of your time promise.. Theman did become first president

Only action works, doesnt have to be violent
Which is why they are using trucks instead of having just people standing around being ignored or attacked by bussed in ANTIFA

They are disrupting things and it works, which is why they are getting desperate and trying to threaten with fines and lawsuits

You should have trademarked "Liberal Democracy" so you could sue people using it.

Well, where's the violence?

The answer you seek:
Kill all cops, politicians, zogbot welfare queenz, NIGGERS

discovery is a bitch. local businesses have increased business from the truckers. it's the lockdowns that caused businesses to suffer losses


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You can't be deplatformed from going outside. Screech all they want, ban all they want, there is nothing they can do when you get in their face and that is why the truckers make them seethe so much when all they're doing is hanging around honking some horns. Imagine if a gang of lads just went about causing an actual ruckus? What in the fuck would these tranny libtards do about it? Nothing except pray and hope their benefactors put them in jail.

Empires are destroyed by death from a thousand cuts. It does not matter if the technology is compromised or not, there is always a way around it and most importantly it keeps all their resources and manpower occupied with dealing with it. Its much easier to create something encrypted than it is to break it. Every psyop on the internet is designed to demoralize you in order to stop you going outside and forming relationships that might disrupt the status quo, despite this they continually fail so be positive.

You can communicate any message you want on any platform you want if you have a brain. Parody, memes, irony, meta-irony, all allow you to do this. You just need to have an IQ that is higher than normies. Once you become good at it, you are uncensorable. I've been spouting anti-covid messaging for 2 years on mainstream covidian subs. Even managed to basically break 2 subs, turning them from nice compliant unthinking retards into people who are opening questioning/opposed to the narrative. The greatest feeling in the world is watching the most zealous covidian regulars slowly become pariahs in their own fortresses.


This is the whole point of this system.
The entire premise of freedom in the West is essentially one giant honeypot.

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So we are on (((lawfare))) within the week. On the upside, we now know that everyone will triple-down to complete insanity. The smart move would be a tactical retreat, most people are jabbed anyway. Oh well. None of us started this.

yes, like we learned, just bring your trucks and cars, they cant do shit