Xi Jinping 'Capitalism is bound to die out'

Is he right? You can't deny China, for all its faults, is doing some things much better than the US with their state run economy.

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>You can't deny China, for all its faults, is doing some things much better than the US
BS. China is a shithole where most people are dirtpoor and have to work 60 hrs a week in slave labor conditions

Under new regulations brought in by Xi Jinping, maximum workhours are 40 hours per week and there ware 3 day weekends.

China runs on slave labor, every bit of infustrature is a tofu dreg project that falls apart as soon as it's built, the entire food supply is poisoned, and 90% of the water is undrinkable.

China is killing itself, we don't have to do anything

You just described the USA.

>Capitalism is bound to die out
So he's predicting the death of his own regime? Fascinating.

China is not capitalist. China has developed in accordance with socialist theory, creating a hybrid that is neither left nor right, that upholds the unity of all classes within the party. The economy is directed for the whole of the nation. Individuals may own, but the people are in command of the economy through the party.

>Anti suicide nets on multistory factories.
Go boil more dogs alive you degenerate bug.

China is a much better run state than the United States, which is just going off inertia at this point

Give me one reason why we haven't nuked that shithole?

Attached: 中共當局用運牛車轉運被隔離人員.webm (402x720, 909.49K)

>the people are in command
Topkek. Supreme Leader Xi is in command and everybody else kowtows at his feet.

Capitalism certainly has to change. I feel like we are slowly moving towards what will feel like communism for workers and capitalism for the rich.

Keep in mind I'm thinking along the lines of progressive taxation keeping the gap between skilled workers and unskilled workers relatively small and possibly some sort of UBI in the future and perhaps home ownership dying out so that workers don't even attain that one piece of capital that people on the west traditionally could hope for.

didn't one of your bridges collapse recently.

Our leader is the embodiment of the will of the people. China is a true democracy because the people are united with the state, forming a true collective will of the people.

You should use a meme flag or a random euro flag if you really want amerixans to go full spastic and accuse you of being chinese.

Ok ant colony

chinese GDP per capita is roughly equivalent to mexico
chinese HDI is roughly equivalent to brazil

Attached: 1623391854625.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

>So he's predicting the death of his own regime?

>State-owned enterprises accounted for over 60% of China's market capitalization in 2019 and generated 40% of China's GDP of US$15.97 trillion(101.36 trillion yuan) in 2020, with domestic and foreign private businesses and investment accounting for the remaining 60%.

You just fear what true democracy looks like because you are so used to being a slave of capital.

>Hurr durr no u
Why should we expect a brainwashed chink to face real criticism and not lie? Anyone with any amount of history under their belt that isn't Chinese Propaganda knows how shitty China really is. Tiannamin Square? COVID-19 being a bioweapon? China staying silent on the outbreak until it was too late? And that's just recent history.

cope how ever you can mate.

I wonder if Xi has ever even read Marx or Engels. Maybe some of their pamphlets but I really, really doubt that anybody in China has actually read a Chinese translation of their book.

Attached: 768A6019-B9D4-4A74-99E6-AFBAEF2A54C0.jpg (539x675, 48.77K)

Its not all bad. I bought a house in a good location a couple years back and its considerably increased in value. As well as that I'll unherit a fairly significant amount of money from my parents. Can you inherit in China?

Tiananmen square was a good thing. Only liberals are opposed to crushing those who wish to destroy the country. COVID-19 was your own fault. We have controlled it here.

>Why fear eating the bugs when you can become the bug?


You can kick and scream all that you like but your people are committed to extinction. You are a dinosaur.

its run its course here now. People get covid but hospitals manage fine and the illness is mild. Its mind boggling that places like the US, Germany, Austria,Canada and Australia are still treating it so seriously.


Tiananmen Square Copypasta
reddit and Any Forums
Tiananmen Square copypasta is a copypaste text that includes multiple phrases and words banned in China by the Chinese Communist Party from "Free Tibet" to "Winnie the Pooh". Supposedly if a Chinese user enters a site where he is copypasted, his computer is automatically blocked. Although this has been denied by some Chinese users who admit that in fact several of the words in the text are not prohibited in China.

Copypaste is commonly used against "Wumaos" (people who support the Chinese Communist Party) on forums and sites like Reddit and Any Forums .

original copy paste
En 自由 门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四 天 安門 事件 The Tiananmen Square Protests of 1989 天安門 大 屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派 鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大 躍進 政策 The Great Leap Forward 化化 大 革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多 黨制 Multi-Party System 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華 民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴 喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆 維吾爾 自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾 和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反 共 反 革命 運動 運動 騷亂 暴亂 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威 游行 李洪志 法輪 大法 大法 弟子 弟子 斷種 強制 堕胎 淨化 淨化 人體 實驗 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 王丹 政於 民 和平 演變 魏京生 王丹 王丹 政於 民 和平 演變 魏京生 王丹 王丹 還 民 和平 演變 演變 魏京生 王丹 王丹 政於 民 和平 演變激流 中國 北京 之 春 大 紀元 時報 九 評論 共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官

he's not wrong
affluent portions of america have no idea how it is outside their gated communities

You literally aren't allowed to be on this side
chink hide before daddy Xi finnds you

if you can inherit capital you are a capitalist county. Money naturally moves to being held in fewer and fewer hands. Especially with birth rates so low.

Attached: okay to kill communists.jpg (600x800, 99.2K)

Any Forums is legal here.

Capitalist country is one in which the bourgeoisie are in charge. This is not the case in China.

The party is in command, the people are not in command of the party, the party is in command of the party

>your people are committed to extinction.
>Ant #24646346895 says as his women beg for white sperm and white genes
The only thing going extinct is your yellow skin and tiny penis

chinese over here are worst than niggers. fuck off

The party is made up of the best of the people.

Hmm... your average woman has a child when she is 31... I think you will be extinct before any other.

For being communist you don't have many social programs I'd bet you have even less than germany

Yeah in theory the US is a democracy but the very rich can bribe everyone. Same thing will happen in China. Money corruptd.