Orthodontist a scam?

Is any of this shit really necessary? People went millennia without braces or any of this crap. I figure most of the world does too even today. Does Europe or whatever have the same prevalence of this money sink? This really seems like just another offshoot of our corrupt medical monopoly, and an excessive offshoot at that.

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Bump. It's a fucking scam. It also fucks up some people's face. There was a couple of pictures posted a while back about a doctor who is ardently against it and why but I can't seem to find

parents who love their kids get their teeth fixed.


>Orthodontist a scam?
>Is any of this shit really necessary?
> Does Europe or whatever have the same prevalence of this money sink?

What's your point? Cosmetics are unnecessary but having the means to have a pearly pair of shiners goes a long way in the dating world.

>People went millennia without braces or any of this crap.
Any of this crap... like brushing your teeth?

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It's useful for disabled people like myself, but completely avoidable.
Just teach your kids not to exclusively breathe through their noses (even when exercising and sleeping), to chew their food thoroughly (and start young), and to avoid all sugar, and their teethe be perfect.

Unless you want to look like a white trash redneck you don't have a choice

It's a modern solution to a modern problem.

>Just teach your kids TO exclusively breathe through their noses
mistyped that

>not to exclusively breathe through their noses
nigger what???

sure and soft foods fuck up your teeth. If you don't eat carbs (bread) and eat lots of chewy food (beef) then your children's teeth will develop correctly.

>but I'm not a child WHAT CAN I DO

Nothing faggot your parents ruined your face and teeth with a Jewish prescribed diet. Turn the food pyramid upside down and make sure that your kids don't suffer the safe fate as you.

here it comes, he got some long winded explanation on how it makes you more alpha or some shit

It's necessary purely because modern skulls are so misshapen. You're on a high carb diet of soft food, your mother was put to work so you didn't grow up breastfeeding for as long as you should have; and both of you aren't getting enough vitamin D, K2, or calcium, so your teeth grow in weak and crooked. It's been this way for the past 300 years. Primitive peoples didn't have issues like malocclusion or tooth decay.

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our modern diets completely fuck up our mouths.

I remember watching a video as a kid in school, age 10 or something. It told me that it's better to breath through your nose and it kept stressing this.
I was so angry, I had been told that it didn't matter and was a full fledged mouthbreathing child.

Diet shapes the teeth/face. If you don't feed your kids a healthy, natural diet they WILL suffer from breathing and teeth problems/pain their for their whole life.


Based, gonna prevent this for my future children.

same here, some teacher told me to breathe always thru my nose and ofc i didn't care about what that fat cow said so i on purpose breathed thru my mouth because i thought it looked cool, now my chin is in my neck gg

The guy posted right below saying he made a typo

That's also true. I was a mouth breather myself, but nobody ever told me to stop. Thankfully I learned on my own before my puberty ended, so I began to tape my mouth shut regularly and my face actually changed a lot over the years. I now have decent looking face and chin (it used to be really weak) and it's all thanks to that and mewing (but I already naturally did that).

>so i on purpose breathed thru my mouth because i thought it looked cool


Is "mouthbreather" not a common insult in your backward arabic hellhole? When I was growing up breathing through your mouth was literally one of the most taboo things you could do as it was associated with being poor, stupid and of course ugly

>our modern diets completely fuck up our mouths.
>Diet shapes the teeth/face.
For a bunch of supremacists you'd think this board would have some semblance of an idea what genetics are

weak bait mate.

Topkek. I had pretty good orthodontist and corrected it from that day on with proper breathing. My blessings to you.

I had severely fucked up teeth. Like straight fucked, sideways teeth and huge gaps. I had braces for four years. I now have perfectly straight teeth. Take this as you will.

Yeah for me too, can't really notice it now.

If you can afford it, i think it is more comfortable, i used to have a cross bite

yeah but you know like in the cartoons when the character has their mouth open ever so slightly you can see his/hers teeth? like the upper ones? i thought that shit was cool bro i was retarded and still am

I have slightly crooked teeth, receded chin, and a weakish jawline. I am pretty sure it is because of as said, my shitty soft modern diet and poor posture+mouth breathing while growing up. I had some orthodontics when I was a teen, but it didn't help I guess. Possibly even made it worse.

25 now ... is it too late to do anything about this? Thankfully my case is not too terrible but I am still kind of pissed off when I think about it. WHY the fuck doesn't our society say just one word about this actual real, important things with your jaw development? Instead it's just endless trivial worthless shit about "get braces to have straight white teeth bro"...what a scam.

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Genetics naturally degrade with time, but not as quickly as we have seen it happen. Just a few hundred years ago, almost everyone had perfectly straight teeth, naturally.

It's definitely due to our modern diets and habits.

The fuck are you talking about.

bro i'm on the verge of tears, that fucker on the right looks like me WHY ME?

Total Scam. Doctors in general will get parents who can be convinced to 'fix' their kids. I got eyeglasses I didn't need, orthodontics, speech lessons, adhd medicine, and the final breaking point was when the dentist was going to put braces on me. Said I was thrusting my tongue out and I would make my teeth stick out if I didn't get them. That was when I decided no more of this bullshit. Forty years later the angle of my teeth hasn't changed.

It was pretty much 95% paid for by insurance. Had them from grade 6 to 9. In my case I really needed them. I'm not even joking my teeth were fucked beyond belief. Extremely crooked. Don't let your children suck on their fingers.

boomer thread

don't feed the trolls mate. He's baiting you. The fact that bones are shaped by muscle/soft tissue is no less controversial than the idea that exercise makes your muscles grow or that eating makes you fat.

Yes there are plenty of lardasses that'll claim that they aren't fat because they overeat but rather because of their genetics: but in reality they simply overeat.
Yes there are plenty of sedentary people that'll claim they're out of shape because of genetics: but in reality they simply don't go to gym.
And yes there are idiots that'll claim that muscles don't shape bone and that food (especially sugar) has no effect on teeth.

But these people are morons and the guy your responding to knows this.

Mewing will work. You still want to make sure you're getting enough nutrients; and make sure to raise the next generation right.

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It is if you got ugly teeth and actually plan on having a chance to get laid. On the other hand, the way these contraptions work, you risk fucking up your jaw, or pinching some nerve somewhere and dealing with bullshit headaches for the rest of your life. Also, if your wisdom teeth don't cause you headaches or anything of the sort, don't fucking pull them, it's a scam.

All of dentistry is a scam. My dentist told me for years that I would need all 4 wisdom teeth pulled because when they grow in they would crowd my other teeth and fuck them up. Flash forward 6 years and they all came in normal, no problems what so ever.