He is finished

He is finished
(((they))) are going to release a new scandal every week until he gets completely de-platformed

Attached: rogan.jpg (1400x1050, 174.1K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Same shit different day, we really needed more than 1 thread for this gay ass crap?

The View, who has been making every issue about race since inception, is now unhappy when Goldberg insists that the Holocaust was about Race.

>lmao tavistock

Why do I care? The writing was on the wall when Anglin got kicked off the respectable internet for being an edgy boy. Not gonna weep for Joe.

Insider here. Rogan wants to get kicked off spotify so he has an excuse to bring millions with him to Gab. Where they will all get redpilled and start a civil war.

Jamie pull up why that's a fat load of fucking shit.

lold, one shekel for you fren.

Attached: lol.gif (320x340, 3.85M)

number of his followers who give a fuck: 0

Yup. They have their noses hooked into him and they aren't going to let go until he's destroyed.

Don't anger big Pharma

Attached: JoeChurchofSatanRogan.png (1280x720, 364.07K)


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Milieu control.


Attached: Screenshot_20220205_130146.jpg (1080x2089, 368.78K)

Let them. He's an establishment guy


Attached: They work together.jpg (720x658, 110.96K)

Don’t care
Didn’t ask
Mirror posting all deleted in JewTube as I type


You think he's finished? The largest podcast? Dude, if spotify drops him, he'll just go to someone else who if frothing at the mouth to take him in. Get a life.

thats a very creative way to say saggd.

i cant believe they banned us from doing that. that needs to be reversed immediately and meme flags need to be removed

Checked and yeah, so far haven't been jannied for it yet. Because I don't explicitly say what I'm putting in options.

The fucking President of the United States of America, the most powerful country in the world got banned from twitter and other platforms

Why do you think Rogan is off limits?