Mike Enoch goes full Scott Adams

>Mike TRIPLES DOWN on Feb 4th 2022

Mike Enoch claims the doctors on Joe Rogan talking about the vaccine being dangerous are "quacks." and he was "right about COVID the entire fucking time."


>Mike Enoch States the Canadian Truckers don't have specific demands and don't even know what they are protesting (Jan 31st):


>On Strike and Mike week before (Jan 25th): Mike Enoch states the vaccine is not poison and there were no employer mandates.


Attached: Mike Shopping.jpg (397x553, 110.94K)

Attached: AltRight3885.png (1462x909, 615.34K)

>Mike Enoch
Literally who?

Married a Jew and now heads a “pro-white” political party.

Yes, it is that cliché

Mike unironically got vaxed early in the pandemic and now subconsciously trying to justify it.

Or he is literal Fed.

He and Keef Woods have been so fucking wrong about this, holy shit. Plus they're doubling down so hard that even fucking Striker is having to countersignal Keith a bit.

To be perfectly fair to them though, Jesse/Sven and the bike riding bridge troll have both been much better on this topic. Sven especially, from the beginning.

But yeah Mike and Keith are pissing me off with this shit.

>chemtrails are real and we shouldn't deport sandniggers are what real Nazis believe
This glows harder than Kike Enoch.

Who is this fat kike loving neocon faggot?

Do you think jews didn't do 9/11 you fucking neocon? Go die for Ukraine.

Why do people still listen to this spook?

Keith woods is not trying to delete his cold takes like Clott Adams

Attached: Kikewoods.jpg (680x680, 264.46K)

go on Any Forums, defend your TRS ecelebs

Any Forums LOVES TRS. They would rather Any Forums crash and burn then see TRS whither away to nothing.

Why do I have to choose between TRS fags and America First fags? Am I the only one who HATES both?

America First is too gay, open to Jews as long as they are "based"

TRS is just underhanded whenever they get called out they demand absolute loyalty.

noboy is talking about america first, what is wrong with you?

so he was a fed after all

unironic big pharma shill. Even libtards have more skepticism when it comes to kike pharma.

Mike Vaccinovich

In early 2021 Mike talked normally about the vax and his distrust. By late winter early spring he changed his stance. Dynamic silence. He wouldn't allow any real talk about covid or vaccines on TDS. I also noticed tension between him and Sven. Mike would say things like, "it's just not a white nationalist issue" "I'm don't find it interesting" "I don't know enough to talk about it" "no one has been persecuted due to covid." Eric has always been a complete retard on the topic. The BANG forum has many examples of him drooling on his keyboard. He always manages to drag the same shills into the discussion whenever covid is mentioned. Ironically, listing to Mike for the past 5 years has taught me that I don't trust Mike. At least 2021 and on Mike.

Also i dont give a fuck because if he was right i would know him

>listing to Mike for the past 5 years has taught me that I don't trust Mike. At least 2021 and on Mike.

I think it has to do with him being dismissed from Cville lawsuit for some reason. Just my gut feeling.

Some of us are smart enough to hate kikes without being buck broken by Muslims.

People who bash TRS usually support America First. I don't support either. I support 1488 white trashionalism that recruits poor working class Whites and unabashedly names the jew, while embracing "conspiracy theories".

Free Palestine Now

Btw, why isn't the Waukesha documentary released?

They raised like $50000 to "fund" making of the documentary.

It is already memory holed.

First of all SAGE all D&C threads

is marrying a Jew based?