Here we go boys

Here we go boys

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I don't wanna be a dick but you'd have to be a RETARD to not come to the same conclusion several years ago

Load up on guns
Bring your frens

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I hope so, this Jew-dominated world, Jews being parasites on White countries, can't continue forever.

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> I'm a kike, find out how everyone else knows.

its actually too late now... All of the media is going to get lynched by the far left. I'm not going to do shit just protect my own house.

ok i'll bite. why would the left go after their own platform?

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Yeah right


No. We're just taking control back from he criminal Jews who overthrew it in the first place. Pic VERY related.

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Just close out your GME/AMC short positions already

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Cant we just nuke coastal shit holes and call it a day?

i hope so. ill use the chaos to go after the people who deserve to die

Nope. This isn't the 1800's. We don't have a federal militia that goes home after the war any more. You can't just say civil war and raise your state militias. We have a standing professional army with military bases now. Shit is different. If anything, there will be an occupation of the right like the middle east, and no one wins an occupation. With the left, it'll be civil disobedience such as riots. Corporal sanchez is gonna be getting his paycheck, and private cletus dosen't care if a nerd somewhere is drone striking his cousin. Not enough to mutiny

>financial problems
Thanks again, capitalism.

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You won't do shit.

leftists eat each other every generation. The left survives by immigration and wealthy communists. They have to indoctrinate and immigrate. Thats their means of survival. Most people on the left eventually wakes up and moves closer to conservative or they simple die from the fucked up shit all of them do.

Sure. It's how they'll engineer the bloodier version of a USSR-style collapse of the US and make China the world's sole superpower for the next few generations. Sucks to be American, but we decided we'd rather war on each other instead of the ultra-rich instigating all of this. Oh well.

"Compromise" in America nowadays just means licking the ZOGbot boot while niggerjews burn down cities, tear down monuments, mutilate/rape your kids, force injections at gunpoint of Big Pharma mystery serums all while demanding you go to war for the borders of Israel and Jewkraine and profusely apologize for muh holycost (NEVER FORGET THE 6 TRILLION GOYIM) and admit you're evil and your ancestors were evil and your children are evil and that's a bad thing!

How does communisim and socialisim feel about banks?