What are conservatives actually 'conserving' ?

What are conservatives actually 'conserving' ?

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Last year's progressive policies.


Tax dollars for israel

yes, please let us see the piles of bodies in 4k, we desire it, we crave it, it's so important

Freedum and comfort for people who openly plot to murder them.

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Con(trolled opposition)servatives

Think of it like this. The nation is a car, progressives are the gas pedal, conservatives are the break, one wants to spend one does not want to spend. One wants to grow the federal gov and power the other wants to restrain it or reduce it

ok but the national debt rose by almost $7.8 trillion during Trump's time..

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>What are conservatives actually 'conserving' ?
ammunition for the knife fight.

You don't need to brake, you need to shift that fucker into reverse.

Are tax breaks for billionaires and corporations conserving something?

>The conservatives are fools: They whine about the decay of traditional values, yet they enthusiastically support technological progress and economic growth. Apparently it never occurs to them that you can’t make rapid, drastic changes in the technology and the economy of a society without causing rapid changes in all other aspects of the society as well, and that such rapid changes inevitably break down traditional values.

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If this was true, I might still identify as a conservative. Trump and the Republicans spent more than Obama did, in half the time. It doesn't matter who sits in the Oval Office, they're all just puppets for the New World Order, a one world government run by the debt-issuing central banks.

The position of the financial elite.

Because there a major national health crisis occured during his presidency. You're probably too young to remember.

>What are conservatives actually 'conserving' ?
American conservatives are just progressives, but slower.
Prove me wrong.

We're no longer conservatives, because what we wanted to conserve was already lost.

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their money

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You wanted to conserve ugly cars?

Their paycheck and Israel. Got to primary out these grifters. We need to make memes pointing out these neocucks.

Jewish control.


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> What are conservatives actually 'conserving' ?

Your Mom’s box.

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The wealthy being able to exploit people. Can't wait for the Dems to lose mid terms and the presidency so that republicans can raise our taxes again, and give tax cuts to their wealthy friends and corporations.

don't be retarded

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This is Detroit 100 years ago.

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supposedly constitutional rights, but you know the saying, two sides of the same coin.
they just use the title and rarely act upon it

I think Ron Paul was cool though